Contusion Lauren vs Subconcious Lauren Pt.5

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"Cut!!" Dinah karate chopped the air. "Hey it doesn't hurt to improvise." She said looking directly at Lauren. "Anyways... action!" She chopped the air.

I grunted.

Mani continued to make puking noises. Then followed a Dinah holding a Ally cut out, out the door. I let my hand out to help Lauren get up. She lifted her shaking hand to accept mine. I grasped her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "It's okay." I smiled.

She took a deep breath. "Okay." She said in a calm tone.

"CAMREN OH MY GOD NOT NOW. PLEASE NOT IN THE VAN." Dinah yelled from outside.

I shook my head disapprovingly.

"T-the teasing doesn't e-ever stop does it?" She asked.

"Sadly no. Not as long as we're together." I told her honestly.

Her lips formed into a hard line. "Let's do this scene and shut them up."

"Uh ja bu- okay." I stammered.


"Where's the holy water at?" Mani added. "A bucket of it please!"

"Actually where's Ally? Y'all need her." Dinah finished off the tease.

I shook my head and helped Lauren out of the van. Joe had placed the wheel chair outside of the door. I walked Lauren to it and helped Lauren get into it.

"Finally." Dinah mumbled.

"For real I thought we'd be sitting out here for a while." Mani added.

"Okay whatever. Scene. Action!" I said avoiding their teases and imitating Dinah.

"You forgot the chop and that's my job. Ready Action!" She karate chopped the air.

I rolled my eyes.

With that, the girls started to run towards the elevator. I followed, pushing Lauren slowly. When we got there, Mani pushed the buttons vigorously.

"Chill Mani." Dinah said imitating Ally's western "accent", yeah the one that she doesn't have, and moving the cut out side to side.

Mani's fake puke sound began to sound more aggressive as she put her hand over her mouth to cover the foul sounds.

When the elevator opened, we stepped in. Dinah pressed the 8 button,the highest floor. The elevator began to move. I began to feel more nervous then ever but I quickly got over it, considering the fact that Lauren was far more worse than me. I held her hand to ensure her that it would be okay. But I quickly let it go remembering that I had to stick to the script.

The elevator was taking it's sweet time to reach the eighth floor. And you could tell by her behavior that Mani couldn't "take it" anymore.

"I CANT.. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE." Mani said pushing the 7 button.

"Mani!" Dinah yelled.

The doors opened, and with that Mani ran out, with a Dinah and fake cut out Ally in Dinah's arms hot on her trail. But before the door closed, I heard Dinah's sneakers shriek making a sharp stop. She set fake Ally down and ran to the elevator, to for what I assume, tinker with the buttons outside of it. But I would never know, because the doors closed before I could see anything else.

I glanced at Lauren. She seemed more nervous now. Which considering the scene we're rein acting, it should be me who's about to pee their pants in fear not her. I poked her shoulder. She looked up from her script, with the most fearful expression I've ever seen her wear.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora