Ticking Meme

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Mah OC's backstory-

•For those who didn't underSANS:

    LEXIE is a very curious girl. She would do anything to learn something she doesn't know. When LEXIE was 7, she was walking through Mt. Ebott. Hearing myths about monsters down there made her curious to seek the truth. Being the clumsy gal she was, she fell down a hole.
    She met ASRIEL and CHARA and thought the the 2 were a threat. But she became best friends with them for at least 8 months.

     But... CHARA got very ill and wanted one request before she dies- to see the flowers from their village. So, ASRIEL absorbed CHARA'S soul and broke the barrier to take her to the village leaving LEXIE at the ruins. But the villagers attacked ASRIEL when they saw ASRIEL carrying CHARA.

   ASRIEL didn't fight back but clutched on the human and made his way back to the underground. He collapsed on the ground  making him and CHARA lay down on the golden flowers. LEXIE saw the 2 dying... Her two best friends... She cried and clutched them as they turned to dust.

    She made her way back home while crying but saw a black and white figure following her saying that he can bring back CHARA and ASRIEL. But she has to return the favor so LEXIE agreed. But it'll take about 3-4 years for them to be resurrected.

    When she was 10, another human fell, her name is FRISK. She became friends with her and some other AU Sanses.

     But the time has come for LEXIE to pay the part of her deal with GASTER. He controlled her making her do a genocide run killing up her friends and family(TORIEL and ASGORE).

    Luckily FRISK managed to survive and hid from her. FRISK saw LEXIE dead in the judgement hall and started to reset.

     The only one who remembers are FRISK, SANS(classic) and FELL. Lexie can only remember a few but that memory of hers was quite blurry.

     She woke up at to her room and her friends became happy to see her awake. Blue hugged her and gave her a save point necklace as a sign of their friendship.

    When she became 14, she lived a normal life with them but Gaster still watching from the shadows.



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