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Miranda slowly found herself settling back into the ranching life

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Miranda slowly found herself settling back into the ranching life. She almost welcomed the sound of the farm animals early in the morning as her own personal natural alarm system. She remembered telling Bethany how the rooster had a good pair of lungs, to which Bethany had replied saying he was sure to make a tasty family meal.

She missed Francine something terrible but Bethany was quickly becoming a good company to have around. One thing she could pick up on was the way Bethany was fiercely protective of the Walter boys. Where Jessica was concerned she could tell the two would tolerate each other but wouldn't go as far as to say they were friends.

As for Joseph, the man was a dream, sometimes she was afraid to wake up and fund that that's exactly what this was, a dream. He was attentive and patient and understanding. He shared so much with her that she knew without a doubt that was his way of telling her he trusts her.

Miranda remembered how great it had felt to sit on the porch swing wrapped in a blanket and snuggled to his side after they had put Zeke to bed. The conversation they had was a tough one.

His driving phobia had stemmed from losing his parents in an accident and it didn't help that shortly after that, he had been driving drunk with a bunch of his buddies and almost lost his life when they crashed into a utility pole.

Every time he was behind a wheel in a busy city he felt like something would go wrong. He had shared with her that the first time he had moved to the city and gone out in his car he had frozen in the middle of traffic and it had taken the firefighters to come and defuse the situation.

That was part of his reason for staying in the countryside and working behind the scenes for his company but of course, that wouldn't have lasted forever.

Miranda glanced at the clock on the bedside table and smiled. It was after ten in the morning which meant Joseph had let her sleep in and gotten their son ready for school without her help, not that she was complaining.

She got out of bed and headed for the bathroom before going downstairs to grab some breakfast.

"Good morning beautiful." Joseph greeted her as soon as she entered the kitchen.

She blushed and went to his outstretched hand. She didn't complain when he pulled her into his lap and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Good morning," she said shyly

The way he was looking at her made her tingle inside. His eyes were glowing with his happiness.

"How did you sleep?" he asked her.

"Good. What about you?" she replied

"I would have slept better if someone didn't close me out of her bedroom last night," he complained.

"How can you resist that face?"

Miranda started and tried to climb off Joseph's lap but he wasn't having it. She turned and saw Bethany flipping pancakes by the stove. She was surprised she hadn't seen her, then again lately she had only eyes for Joseph. She blushed again and looked at him.

The Cowboy's Redemption (bk3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin