Grabbing Butts - an Isle Tradition {Benry} [{Malvie, Jaylos}]

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Grabbing the butt of your lover was kinda a tradition on the isle. It showed that that ass was off the market and that it was the properityof the person the hand, or hands belonged to.

In Auredon grabbing the butt of your love showed that you were a dirty bird and a pervert.

So the reactions when the Auredon kids saw the isle kids touching their lover's butt like it was the most normal thing in the world, were different.

Some of them appricated it or didn't care but people like Chad and Audrey judged this action immediatly and came to the conclusion that they were all perverts.

But the isle kids couldn't care less.

Mal still touched Evie's peach formed buttcheeks when they were talking to their friends or walking to their classes.

And Jay still cupped Carlos round ass when they kissed or when he was jealous.

But Harry was worse.

Maybe because he was a pervert or maybe because he was too crazy over Ben. Or both.

Harry touched Ben's ass in every situation that you could think of.

He touched it when they were kissing, when they were walking to classes, when they talked to friends, when he was jealous, when they were shopping, when he was proud of Ben and so on. But that's just the beginning. He didn't just touched it, he also slapped it.

For example when he left Ben for class. Or before a game. Or when Ben made a joke about him. All those slaps said something different.

The one he did when leaving Ben was like a Goodbye-kiss for normal couples.

The one before a game was a good-luck slap, how Harry called it.

And the one he did when Ben made a joke about him was a warning.

But the most surprising thing for people like Audrey and Chad about this was that Ben liked it and acted normal when it happend. When they asked him he answered:

„Everybody has his kinks"


I hope you enjoyed reading it..

What do you think about a One Shot about Harry and Ben going shopping? ;)

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I love you -MM

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