Even though they were a small guild with only 45 members including himself, they had helped him immensely so far. They had transformed his project of just building a few houses into the construction of a small hamlet, maybe a village.

They had built a road of gravel, plus fourteen houses and a storage next to the road. Includig Kaldo he had met about ten members of Golden Hammer so far. Leon once again looked at the city from an overhead view, the miners, lumberjacks and fishermen were all working to bring resources to the storage.

He could also see he had 34 citizens currently living in his town, and that once he reached 100 something would happen. Besides that, his builders were currently in the progress of building more houses.

Rehn had also logged in a few minutes ago, and Kaldo had left to escort him to the city. The map was very large, and Leon himself knew afraid too well how easy it was to get lost. So he was thankful that Rehn had a guide.

Leon scratched the back of his head a bit, what was he supposed to do now...

He should probably log off, but he would like to at least talk to Rehn for a little bit first.

While he leaned against the facade of a house, a woman approached Leon. He didn't react to her standing in front of him at first, since he was busy looking through his menus.

After a few seconds it seemed the girl got tired of waiting for him to notice her and started walking away, just as Leon closed his menus.

"Oh! It's Ambe-"

Before he could even finish her name the girl spun around the spot and pointed her sword toward him, positioning herself in a heroic pose. As if to accompany this action, her red hair that was tied into a ponytail fluttered in the wind.

"Do not speak my name, weakling! For I am the great swordsman Amber!"

As Leon just stood there in silence, the girl let out a laugh.

"Kukuku! I see you are speechless before my greatness. Yes, as a member of our guild you will get to party with the great me!"

The girl placed a hand on her rather large chest and puffed it out proudly, as if declaring herself to be above everyone else.


Leon was totally stunned. He had seen that some degree of role playing was the standard in this game, but this girl was taking it too far. It was too the point that he had to fight back the second hand embarrassment he got just from looking at her.

A few guild members who were still in town had stopped to watch the events, there was a small group of four and they all seemed to be laughing and gossiping while watching the scene.

"Say something then!"

The girl's faces had been slowly turning more and more red ever since she had noticed her guildmates stares.

"Uhm, sure."

He had honestly been too focused on her manners to really notice the question he had been asked.

"Of course you would love to party with the great me. What's that, you'd even go as far as sacrificing your life for me if the need should arise? Such a valiant knight!"

The girl nodded to herself while she said many things, none of which Leon had actually told her.

Also, Leon could see that the guildmates who had previously been laughing at Amber's ridiculous demeanor were now giving him pitying looks.

"Hey, wait, I never said those-"

The girl was now wiggling around, blushing madly.

"Oh, and you'd love to embrace me as well? Well... Maybe if you do a good enough job we can..."

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