Chapter 13: Royal Trial (2)

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Leon wasn't having any of this right now. No matter how interesting this was, he needed sleep after the last fight. But if he was going to keep ahead of the recent competition on the island, he would need to be back soon.

"Just a quick nap... Two-three hours."

Leon nodded to himself as he chose to log out.


He stood up from his mattress on slightly shaky legs and sat down in his office chair and pushed the back up against the wall. He didn't feel like sleeping on the mattress,  since his body already felt stiff he didn't particularly feel like he should keep laying on the bed.

Maybe he should pick up a gym membership as well, he needed to think of the effects that only sleeping around all day had on your body. There was also the matter of his finances, while he still had some money over from his last job it wasn't going to last him that long.

He needed more, and hopefully Dreamland was a good opportunity to get that money. He was really gambling here, if Dreamland couldn't make him any money he would just sell the VR-Headset. He wouldn't get too much for it, but it would be enough while he looked for a new job. He really didn't want to bother his grandmother more than necessary.

He settled on getting a Gym Membership as his brain calmed down with the events of the day. But before he did any of this, he decided to get some sleep.

"...Well crap."

It seemed he had been sleeping for five hours rather than his decided time, he should've set an alarm, because it seemed he didn't have an internal one.

First, he went to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich. He then proceeded to almost head out the door to the local gym before stopping himself.

"I need to change clothes, also, a shower."

He wasn't really in a presentable state right now and Paul decided to take a shower and get changed before he left his dirty old house for the first time in a week.

After having done all this, he put on a pair of shoes and left the house. It was sunny and nice outside, as he walked down the creaking metal stairs to his apartment he looked towards the nearby street as a electric car passed by.

Those had become commonplace now, there were only a few cars that used fossils fuels around any longer. He turned left on the road and began walking down it, the gym was nearby so he shouldn't find it to difficult to get there, in fact he decided it would be good to jog there.

Only then dod Paul realise, how truly horrible his real-life vitality and constitution was. He stopped outside the gym doors, breathing heavily.

Luckily, it was still 6 am so not many people were around to see his failure besides the gym clerk who was giving him a friendly smile through the glass doors. She must've realized what he was here for just by looking at him, which made Paul turn slightly red.

He went inside, his heart still pounding.

"I would like to register a membership, please."

The woman smiled at him.

"Alright, that'll be 20$ per month, or 50$ for three months."

"I'll take three."

It was actually impressive that they had the staff to man the counter this early in the day, but Leon definitely wasn't complaining. He was given an entry card and thanked the woman before he headed into the gym. He decided it best for him to exercises for his back, but he also wanted to improve his general constitution, so those were what he worked towards.

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