Chapter 11: Kaldo

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Other players, he could now finally see other players. The large ship slowly stopped at the docks, and the multiple players stepped onto the wooden beams.

"Ah, so someone found this place before us..."

The man at the forefront of the around hundred man and woman group sighed when he saw Leon. He was blonde and wore silver armor with blue crystal decorations, he walked towards Leon and reached out his hand.

"Name's Kaldo, nice to meet you."

Leon shook his hand, a bit confused by this development. Meanwhile, the rest of Kaldo's group had spread throughout the city. Leon smiled and shook the boys hand.

"Nice name. So who are you guys?"

"Straight to the point I see, well I was actually wondering the same. This area was supposed to be unexplored, also..."

Leon could tell the boy was glancing above his head, where his level was displayed. He did the same, and noticed the boy was level 50. With the current maximum level being around 70, that was a very large number. Not only that, but his gear seemed to be of a set and Leon could tell by a glance that he had no chance of defeating the boy in battle.

"I spawned here."

When he said this, a certain silence filled the air as Kaldo stared at him with a look of shock on his face.

"You serious?"

"One-hundred percent."




The boy stared at him a bit longer before he recovered from his initial shock.

"Now I'm interested, tell me the whole story."

The boy was a bit pushy, but he seemed mostly harmless so Leon decided to tell him the whole story of how he spawned on the island from start to finish. It didn't take him much more than a few minutes to tell the entire story, since it wasn't like much had happened.

He decided to keep some information like Soul Level to himself, as he didn't completely trust the blonde-haired boy, and might be able to somehow sell the information later.

"Is there any additional information you have on this island? I can pay you for the trouble, of course."

And there it was, Leon had received an offer. He didn't expect it this early, but this was better for him, if he could quickly sell the information that decreased the chance of someone else discovering it.

"One Pulse Stone."

Leon held up one finger in front of the boy.


Kaldo seemed hesitant, but Leon wasn't going back on his price. A Pulse Stone was an item that could heal 40% of your HP over 10 seconds which was extremely good. They also valued at roughly 20$ in the real world due to how difficult they could be to get. They weren't super rare, but they weren't common at all. Leon expected Kaldo would have some, judging by his level and gear.

He had read about these stones online and the fact that they were often used as currency between players. The currency was something like;
Pulse Stone < Pulse Crystal < Eternal Stone < Eternal Rune < Celestial Rune.
Which was roughly equal to;
20$ < 40$ < 50$ < 100$ < 200$.

These items also had a price in gold, but it was quite ridiculously high and not something an average player could afford easily.

While the amount of money may seem absurd for a virtual item, there was also the fact that Dreamland was almost a second home for humanity to support these prices. That and the fact that each item was incredibly hard to acquire while still being usedul were the reasons for the price. In fact, only around 100 Celestial Runes were in circulation with the community as far as Leon knew.

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