Chapter 18: The Guilds

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They had just arrived back in town, and Leon was greeting a few NPCs who he knew from previous jobs, one of them being Lyle. Meanwhile, Rehn was selling a few materials.

They were splitting the gold from material sales 50/50 and Leon could certainly see his money ticking up quickly. There really was a ridiculous amount of gold to be earned, even from shorter expeditions like this.

Well, it had taken a lot of time. They just hadn't killed very many enemies, they hadnt even killed the boss. But, in a stroke of luck they had acquired the item Leon had been searching for.

Leon decided to log out of the game after Rehn had sold everything, he had some personal business to attend to.


Multiple men wearing samurai attire walked through the jungle, wielding different weapons. They were all members of Grim Gang, a trading guild. They had recently arrived on the island to search for rare and valuable materials. There were 27 of them currently in the group and they were lead by Shadowslayer who was a long time member of the Grim Gang.

He wore his black and red samurai attire with pride and carried a golden katana, ready to strike at any moment. The group was very cautious due to the sounds of the forest around them, but they couldn't know they had an even better reason to be cautious.

Because, in the jungle there were shadows stalking only slightly behind them. These shadows happened to be a group of other players from the guild True Gold. These assassins had been sent to make sure the Grim Gang guild didn't get the resources they were looking for.

The Grim Gang group soon stopped their exploring to take a quick break because one player needed to go for a short while. This was the opportune moment for the True Gold assassins to strike, and they did not hesitate.

Shadowslayer was the first to notice their impending doom.

"Group up everyone! Assassins!"

Grim Gang members were quick to react when threatened, and these warriors were no exception. Shadowslayer was quicker than the others and deflected an assassins attack with his sword.

Following this he quickly counterattacked, but their enemies were not unskilled. The assassin dodged back and countered his attack by swiping at his legs. Meanwhile, the battle was raging all around them.

The battle raged on, both sides taking heavy losses. Shadowslayer was quick and was currently taking on three men where one was named DestroyerKidd99 and another simply Destroyer995. Even when Dreamland had a system that allowed multiple players to use the same name due to a unique ID, some still chose these kinds of names.

Names didn't matter much in the fray, and the battle was still as intense. But halfway throughly everyone suddenly stopped at the sight of something even worse than their current enemy.

A spider as tall as four of the jungle trees approached the group. It wore a skin made from a mix of different shades of green and had eyes red as blood. Small holes opened in it's skin at times and it released a green smoke that killed the nature around it.

[LV. 84][Giant Jungle Chaos Spider][560000/560000]

The spider's head turned toward the group, and it let out an inhuman shriek before charging at them.

Most of the group had frozen in place, some tried to move out of the way of the creature but they couldn't dodge in time and they knew that very well. The group braced themselves for death and Shadowslayer closed his eyes.

But death never came.

Instead, the loud sound of something falling over echoed through the jungle, and when he opened his eyes again about 15 seconds later, all he saw was the mutilated corpse of the large spider.

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