Chapter 2: Rat Extermination (2)

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Monsters didn't seem to approach the small house, which was good. Leon had just dragged a back to the backyard of the house which was fenced off, inside this area there was a door into what looked like a small stone house, this was the entrance to the tunnels.

Leon had leaned a back against the entrance and decided to take a handful of poison with him down. According to the description the poison was harmful if it came in contact with human skin, so he was using a piece of cloth when he carried small amount of it.

He held a torch in his left hand and the cloth with poison in it in his right, the dark tunnels smelled of rotten meat and something sour. He was currently only walking down the short staircase which led down into the small tunnels.

After only taking a few steps, he could hear squeaking coming from all around him, almost as if the rats were inside of the stone. He wasn't used to this sort of stuff, but he steeled himself. This was considered a quest, after all.

As he came down into the tunnel, he instantly saw them. Rats, swarms of them. The amount was ridiculous, there were probably 100 no, 200 rats just in the area which the torch cast light on. He could see their shadows dancing along the walls, and the eerie atmosphere of the tunnel just made him want to get out of the tunnel as quickly as possible. 

"So all I have to do is place it like this, right?"

He was a bit hesitant as he laid the poison down on the floor. But indeed it seemed to work, as the rats seemed instantly attracted to it. One bit into it and, died. But then came a problem, the moment the others noticed their dead friend they all retreated away from the poison as if they had just realized it was, well, poison.

"Couldn't be that easy, could it..."

Apparently the poison was supposed to attract rats to it. But as he had thought, it all just seemed to easy. The lady who lived in this house would have been able to do it herself if that was the case. 

"Back to the drawing board I guess."

He left the tunnels, extinguished his torch and headed back into the storage room upstairs. 

He had seen a few things in the room, the first was an actual drawing board and a few papers with that. The second was the multiple bags of rat poison, and the third thing he had seen were all the different metal objects around.

"So what do I do...?"

He massaged his temples as he tried to think of something. Then there was a small spark, an idea. He opened his status and decided to check the two skills he had previously skimmed over.

[Basic Engineering] (Active) Allows you to create basic technological items. Recipes must be found or created by yourself. Currently known recipes: 0

[Creator's Eye] (Active) Cost: 10 MP/s While using this skill you can see the weaknesses of different machines and structures. At low levels it is only possible to see a few basic weaknesses, but it allows you to see much more as the level increases.

"What if I make a bomb?"

It was an idea that just popped into his head. During pest exterminations in the real world they would often use gas, so what if he did the same? The rats wouldn't have much time to react and if they were still attracted by the smell it would also be difficult to run away.

"Alright, this is it!"

But how was he going to do it? He didn't really have much knowledge of the subject in question. He could go off and research it, but that would take time and he wanted to try this as soon as possible. Well, he could probably do this.

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