Nightmare's Lullaby

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(#We have reached the penultimate chapter! I have quite a bit of trouble with a version of Writer's Block that I like to call 'Writer's Overload.' Basically, it's the opposite of Writer's Block. While W-Block causes you to run out of ideas, W-Overload causes lot of new ideas to appear in my head, which distracts me from my main stuff. Anyways, hope you enjoy this latest chapter!)

The silence was deafening. 

The tension grew with every second.

Two pairs of blood eyes stared at each other, while two more pairs watched the dark figures, waiting for one to make a move.

Nightmarrionne attacked first.

It lunged forward, trying to catch their combatant off guard.

Nightmare simply swatted the stick figure away as if it were a fly. Nightmarrionne smashed into the closet, breaking the doors of their hinges. It pulled itself up, and glared at the black bear, beginning to hiss.

The hiss quickly transitioned into a fierce shriek.

It was cut by an even fiercer bellow from Nightmare, as he slowly advanced on the object of his rage. Nightmarrionne jumped up at Nightmare, who sidestepped the failed attack. The puppet went through the left doorway, smacking face first into a wall.

Grimm Foxy had snapped out of his surprise and leapt to attack Nightmare, his sickle raised. The black bear simply grabbed the fox by the neck joint, effectively chokeslamming him. As Grimm Foxy fought and snapped to get free, Nightmare simply lifted him up and placed the fox's head between his jaws. He bit down, and Grimm Foxy's body went limp, dropping to the floor soon after. 

Nightmare spat out Grim Foxy's mangled head next to his body, and slowly stomped out of the bedroom, not a word to Nightmare Freddy.

The brown bear stared at the gargantuan monster that had just left, in order to pursue Nightmarrionne. 

He sighed and relaxed, closing his eye.


As Nightmarrionne recovered, Nightmare grasped it's neck, and slammed it into the wall again, and again.

The puppet-like entity was tossed down the hallway, knocking over the grandfather clock. It and the clock landed with a bang.

Nightmarrionne clutched it's mask in his tendrils, feeling weak. 

Then they felt the damage done to it. There were several cracks and chips in the porcelain visage. Nightmarrionne let out a prolonged, bubbling hiss at the shadow-cloaked bear, which, despite it's size, was completely masked by the darkness. Only his red eyes betrayed his position.

Nightmarrionne felt anger rise inside them; the boy had not only gained a ridiculous amount of courage, but had dared to hit them? A deep, booming laughter echoed throughout the small corridor, that child was mocking them. Nightmarrionne felt a wave of rage crash against them.

As Nightmare moved closer, he flexed his sharp talons, itching to get his claws on the puppet. Suddenly, Nightmarrionne lashed out with a loud shriek. Nightmare backed away with a pained bellow. The puppet's smile widened, when they'd noticed the damage done. Nightmare's left eye had a large gash over it, stretching from the top of the once glowing orb, the the side of his muzzle. Nightmarrionne chuckled silently at it's work. Payback, as it were.

"Not even your new form can stop your death, child." Nightmarrionne taunted, it's voice starting to glitch a little. "But, for all the trouble you have caused me, I will make you taste death again, a-and again, a-and again..."

Living NightmaresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora