You Can't Escape Me

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(#Well, this is the chapter that I hope gives you an idea as to how I think the FNAF storyline goes. Once more, this is my interpretation, so it may be canon, it might not be, I don't know. What I do know is, that if this isn't canon to the FNAF timeline, then please don't flood my comments with 'This is wrong!' 'You suck at theories!' and so on. Anyways, I hope ye enjoy!)

The Halloween Nightmares towered over Sammy, dwarfing the child.

"W-what are you?" He asked, full of fear at the mere presence of the leader, the one who looked similar to a puppet. "Why are you here?"

The puppet hissed for a moment, before it spoke.

"Why, Samuel Afton, I don't believe I've introduced myself properly. I am Nightmarrione. And as for why we are here? It is because of the actions of one man. Your father, William Afton."

Sammy staggered at Nightmarrione's accusation; what did his father do?

"What do you mean? What did my father do for you to haunt me?" Sammy asked.

"I will show you, child." Nightmarrione gently placed their tentacle-like fingers on the side of Sammy's head, and the entire room shifted, replaced by someplace familiar. 

The nightmarish marionette withdrew it's digits, and stood back, allowing Sammy to realise where they were.

It was a tiny building, a few tables and chairs scattered about here and there. A yellow bear animatronic wandered between different tables, handing out cake to screaming children. It seemed to be the only one there. Next to the entrance, was a giant present box, and a large window. It seemed to be raining outside.

"This is the original Fredbear's, back when he was but one." Nightmarrione whispered. "This, is where everything started."

Looking at the proceedings, Sammy might've actually liked it here. The building was small, everyone seemed real friendly with each other, and Fredbear himself didn't look so imposing.

But there was something that caught his attention.

"What does this have to do with my father?" He asked Nightmarrione.

"Look to the window, child. Watch." They pointed to the window by the door, and a few children had gathered around it. They all seemed to be laughing at something.

Sammy made his way closer, until he saw what the children were laughing at. 

Or rather, who. 

Standing outside in the rain, was a girl the same age as him, maybe younger. She wore a green wristband, and had black hair, from what he could see. Her face was blurred out but one thing was very noticeable, even with the weather.

She seemed to be crying. 

That wasn't the only thing that caught his eye, however. Behind the girl, a purple car pulled up, and a man stepped out.

A man, with a horrifyingly familiar face. It was one he would never forget.

William Afton slowly advanced behind the girl, wearing a maniacal smile on his face. 

The rain suddenly became too heavy to see anything through it, but before William and the girl completely disappeared from view, Sammy noticed the glint of of a sharp, metal object.

Just then, a giant puppet burst out of the box next to the door, and immediately exited the building. It looked like Nightmarrione, but without the nightmarish features. It's green eyes flashed as it moved toward the entrance, going unnoticed by Fredbear or any of the patrons.

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