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Week later
I got let out of the hospital the day after because I was able to walk, I stayed by Jimins side and held his hand the whole time and I was loosing doubt as it's been a week and he still hasn't woken up, his parents came at visiting times as they worked and they finished work just in time.
I was so tired but there was no way I was leaving Jimin incase he woke up.
I started speaking to him saying that when he wakes up we are going to build a house for us in our hideaway, but he needs to get better first, I was explain the house to him and how we will live in it together and start a family.
A tear was rolling down my cheek as I hoped he was listening and would wake up.
I was sat by the bed with my elbows by his side and I was holding his hand in both of mine and I was holding them to my mouth praying that he would get better, it has now been 2 weeks and there was still no movement, I was so happy that it was the school holidays and I had no commitments apart from being by Jimin side.
The doctors came in and said they have given up on hope and they are going to turn his machines off, I got up and started telling them that they can't do that, I was sobbing so much, they said they were going to wait for his parents to come for visitation and they are going to turn it off, my legs went weak and I fell back on the chair, a nurse went to grab me and she asked if I was okay, I nodded and said I needed a drink.
I walked out of the hospital room and I was so shocked and didn't know what to think, I got myself a drink and went back to Jimin.
The hard thing was sitting by Jimin and waiting for his parents to come because I knew that when they tuned up Jimin is going to die for good.
The clock striked 3pm and his parents walked in, I went white like a sheet and his mother asked me if I was okay, as I was about to answer a doctor came in, I shut my mouth and let them explain.
His mother fell to the ground crying and his father was by her side hugging her, she grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug as I was sobbing too.
The time came when the doctors came in to turn it off, they told me and his parents to say our goodbyes, my heart was beating out of my chest and I could hardly breathe.
As the finger went to pull the cables out, I looked at his hand and I saw a finger move, I screamed and leapt over to Jimin the nurses all jumped in shock as I was screaming that he is awake and they need to stop.
Everyone gathered round and they waited for his finger to move but it didn't, the mother sighed and I was getting angry because I saw it, he then moved his head and tightened his eyes, his mother saw this and nearly had a attack and was screaming that she saw something, the doctors looked over and saw him moving his head.
They all clapped and cheered as he had finally woken up, me and his parents gathered round and we were all crying, I was holding his hands and he looked at me and gave me a smile, I put my head on his hand in relief.
Month later
It has been a month and Jimin has finally been let out of hospital, When he was still in me and Jimin spoke about us moving in together, and that it will be at the hideout plot.
As a surprise me and his parents planned for a load of builders to build our dream home, and it was ready in time for him to come out, his parents paid for it as they knew as I had no money and I haven't been working.
The house was everything I dreamed off and it had the best story of why it was there.
When Jimin came out I stayed at his house until he was well enough to move around independently, it took around a week or two and we were going out together and having dates.
It was then time for me to show Jimin our house, I suggested that we go to our hideaway spot because we haven't been there in a while and I missed us being there together.
We approached the fence and I climbed over and he saw the roof from a distance, and he just stopped and looked at me with his mouth wide open, I was jumping about in excitement and he ran over to the house.
He stood out the front of it and broke into tears, he pulled me in for a hug and I handed him the keys and said 'I love him.'
He gave me a kiss and said it back.
He then ran up to the door and unlocked it, there was no furniture yet by Jimin loved the layout of the house.
The first thing he did was run up to me and jump in arms and saying that he loves me so much and I was the best girlfriend he has ever had.
He then suggested that we go to KARE and we went to pick out the furniture we wanted.
We walked over to the the store and as we walked in we asked the delivery desk If someone could deliver it here and help it in the house, they looked up the address and looked confused as it isn't a proper address yet, but when we explained the place to him he agreed to deliver it there.
We got excited and was looking around the store for different things, we found rugs, a wardrobe, a bed and other decoration stuff.
We took the list of items to the delivery place and it came to 1,543,000 won, but this was nothing to Jimin, I felt so bad as I had no money to pay for it but Jimin was telling me not to feel bad he said to me, 'what's he point of having money if you can't spend it on the people you love.'
I kissed him and they said it will get delivered within a few hours, we went to a tv store and looked at the TVs and we picked a big flat screen tv and we picked up some speakers and other electrical stuff.
As we got back we called Jimins father to come to the house to help us put some things together as we can't do it alone, we were sat on the floor waiting for the delivery people to arrive and we heard our door bell ring, we answered the door and it was then with loads of flat packs, they carried them into the empty living room and then we gave them a tip and they left.
His dad wasn't far after and he helped us unpack the boxes and put up some of the things up, it took us a while but we managed to put up a few things.
We had the bed up and in the bedroom, the wardrobe, bedside cabinets and a small table.
We had a quilt and sheet on the bed with pillows and we spent our first night together in our new house and it was amazing.
We got into the bed and the first thing that Jimin did was climb on top of me and started making out with me, we did everything in that bedroom that night and it was one of the best nights of my life.

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