Chapter 29

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I was shaking in fear as Jason's grip tightened. I whimpered. The stinging pain in my abdomen worsened and I knew I was losing a lot of blood. Dark spots danced in the line of my vision and the pumping pain didn't help either. I could feel Jason's hair tickle my ear as he bent down, and I wanted to cringe away but I couldn't. "Don't worry, love. I know what I'm doing. You'll forgive me." he whispered in my ear, biting my earlobe. I shook my head frantically, knowing what he is about to do won't be in my favour at all. I tried to protest, but my throat was already too constricted, and no sound came out. "No, please-" was the last words I'd speak in a long time...


"Till we see again, friend," I sped off. I smirked to myself as I remembered the distraught look on Nathan's face. Revenge is best served in red. Little did they know...

"Hello?" her voice came through the glass. "Where am I?" She looked at me in fear. Only she didn't look at me, she looked through me. The glass separating us was a one way glass. She could only stare at her own reflection. I pressed the button on the intercom, connected to the inside of her room. "You're inside a safe room, love. Ironically, though, you are all but safe." I told her. "Jason?" her voice cracked. "Yes, love" I answered. "Am I in heaven?" I chuckled and pressed down on the button again, "No, Erin, you're very much alive."


"I didn't rip out your heart, I just deatached it from your left ventricle, so there would be lots of blood for effect. " She looked utterly confused and the look suited her in a cute way, so I continued to explain, "Yes, you should be dead. But you aren't. I made sure of it. But for now you aren't alive either. It's quite the miracle, but I don't believe in that sh*t so I'll explain the science or lack there of to you." She licked her lips trying to understand the information I was feeding her. "You're a supernatural being and you don't die instantly. The average supernatural being dies only after 12 days after the make believe death. But none of you knew that. Trust me I didn't either, I stumbled upon it in some sort of book. Anyway, you however are a hybrid, meaning you have double the time, being stuck between being dead and alive. Therefor all your dreamteam has to do is attach your ventricle to your heart and jumpstart your heart again and poof you'll be dragged back to the living, untill then you are at two places at once, here- partly living and there- mostly dead untill yeah. SO with a lot of speeding and illusion I just made sure your living self ended up here. And don't you worry, the room is just for insurance. I won't hurt you."

"But why did you do this in the first place?"

"My V is for vendetta, darling."

"Then why didn't you just kill me?"

Good question. But I don't even know why myself.

"I just couldn't. But everything will change. You'll see."

I took my finger from the button and left.

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