Chapter 17

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Unconsciously I took a little step back. I have to admit this scared me to no ends, "Erin, look I know you're scared-" She interrupted me, "Scared?! Hell no. If anything I'm furious. To think I can be with you. I trusted you. And there you go throwing all that in the drain. You hurt me- well tried anyway" I opened my mouth to protest and say that it wasn't me who hurt her at all- I saved her. But then again she doesn't remember that.

"And you know what makes this all fudging better- I loved you. LOVED. And my name isn't Erin, it's Lavender"

Barry chuckled back in Star Labs where he was listening in on their conversation, "Lavender, really? But it's such a sweet name for such a... sweet girl"

I winced as she used the past tense, emphasizing the word loved. Lavender sped away to the city. I followed her, not giving up. I can't. I still love her, despite what she says. She eventually stops at the Waterfront. She slowly turns around. I bit the inside of my cheek, as I see Erin struggling to control herself. She takes a step back in self defense, I guess. It hurt seeing her like this, thinking of me as a threat. "Please just stay away" I shook my head, and took a step towards her. "I'm not giving up on you" I stared deeply into her eyes, searching for a sign that my Erin was still in there. somewhere. "Listen to my voice. Just try and remember. Remember when we met, remember when we ran away like Romeo and Juliet, remember when we saved each other- remember that. Remember us. Remember me. Please... I love you"

Her breathing increased and I was worried that she may be having a panic attack. Her eyes changed color and her hands were shaking furiously. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. My breath hitched in my throat when she opened her eyes and they were purple. Her eyes bored into mine.

"Remember how you hurt me? Left me alone... in that dark room. Starved me for the fun of it. Provoked me. Did it satisfy you? Sliding that knife so dangerously close to my throat?" My heart clenched as I realize she was telling me what happened to her, when she disappeared. It broke me as she wiped the stray tears off her face. My eyes widen as she shot a bolt of electricity in my direction. Great, she can do that too. I barely dodge another bolt, but I was too late with the third attack. The bolt pierced my skin and lodged itself mere inches from my heart. The impact made me fall a few feet back. I didn't have the chance to stand up before she walked towards me. Slowly, taking in my wounded form. I wasn't about to attack her, no, I only planned to defend myself. Well that worked out well didn't it, I thought sarcastically. Little bolts of electricity danced around her finger as she stood above my hunched figure. "Such a shame I have to kill you now. You were fun, while you lasted." Her voice laced with venom as she smirked. She bent down to my level, "I'm sorry I'm not sorry," she then placed her hands on my chest. I let out a painful scream, as the volts ran through my body. Before I neared unconsciousness, I felt relieved as her hands were lifted from my body. She screamed in pain as I saw an icicle lodged into her abdomen. I look up and saw Caitlin, a.k.a. Killer Frost. She shrugged, "Speedsters were getting overrated in anyway" I rolled my eyes, and thanked her. She put on her necklace again and helped me into her car. She then miraculously picked an unconscious Erin from the floor and placed her in the backseat.

"C'mon it's time to head home."

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