Chapter 15

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Papers were strewn everywhere. Pieces of glass shattred along the floor, the tables and chairs turned over. I carefully stepped in between everything, trying to make sense of what might have happened here. "Guys?" my voice echoed through the HQ. "Barry watch out!" my ears pick up the frantic warning of Caitlin's voice. I quickly sped over to the gym. The scene isn't much different from what I just saw. I dodged and oncoming lightbolt and my head snapped towards the direction it came from. A full on war had broken out between Barry and Erin? What the hell did I miss?

Caitlin's visibly shaken form takes shelter behind a turned table while Cisco tries to help Barry calm Erin down. "Everything's under control, just a few.. mishaps" Cisco tried to justify while shooting a laser-gun (hopefully just a tranquilizer beam) in Erin's direction. "Yeah no I lcearly noticed that" I retorted sarcastically.

I quickly helped Caitlin to a safer place. "What's going on?" I asked, "Why is Erin going full on ZOmbie mode in there?!" Caitlin let a small frown hide her features, "After you left, I went to check up on her condition. She should've been fine..." She trailed off, her eyes not focusing. "But..." I encouraged her to go on. "But when I got there all I heard was silnce. Not the sound of her breathing or anything just the heartmonitor's stupid beeping that continued to flatline" She continued with so much regret lacing her voice. My heart hammered inside my chest as she went on, "She technically did die for over 2 minutes- her heart went into shock and she went into cardiac arrest_" My breath hitched, "I managed to stabalise her, but after a few minutes her eyes shot open and before I could stop her, she was out of the door. From there everything went downhill, and now we're here. I hesitated but the words stumbled out of my mouth, "Where exactly are we?" She opened her mouth but closed it again pursing her lips, almost as if second guessing if she should tell me. "She has uhmmmm.... well you see" She trailed off. She then tried again.

Do you ever feel like for just one moment you iwsh the world could just stop. Just everything to freeze and stand still- to give you a chance to pick up your pieces and move on. Do you ever feel like you just want to press the pause button and rewind the whole day? Like a do-over? To correct your wrongs? Say 'I love you' one more time? Do you ever wish for a second chancce? To make things better?

"She has terminal brain damage"

"Which means?"

"She lost her memory"

I know medically it's not possible for your heart to just stop. But mine did. Because I knew no matter how strong or fast I am, I wouldn't be able tot run from this problem. To hide away and wish it away. But I still had hope that this was all just a stupid dream.

A little frown hid my distraught features, "Which means?" I drawled on. I was aware that I probably sounded like a three year old but my mind couldn't handle the devastation. She might not remember me. Her boyfriend. She might not want me anymore. Understandably so, because who would want to date a starnger you never met in your life or in this case remember at all?

"She's trying to kill us... but not because she's angry or in an attacking rampage but she's afraid."

Wait what? "Afraid of what?"

"Of you"


"You hurt her, remember?"

"I didn't-" I was beyond frustrated right now.

"Nathan she's not only going to hurt us, but she might kill herself in the process"

All in all, even if I had the chance I would never want to live through this day again.

Cry Thunder (Book I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant