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Andy and Angel are living a very happy life as a married couple. Angel is pregnant with a baby girl and Andy couldn't be happier.

Ashley is engaged to a very beautiful woman named Anna. The wedding is a year away.

Jake and Ella are happily married. No children yet.

CC and Delilah got married and have one baby boy.

Jinxx is now a married man to a girl named Julia. She and him are very happy together as a couple.

They are just one very happy BVB family. All of them are happy and there going to continue a long life of touring and playing shows for there fans, there friends, and there family.

                     *The End*

Alright this is the last chapter. I kind of suck at this part of it. I am sorry but at least it filled you in on what was going on with the others in the band. Thank you all for sticking around with me through this whole thing. I had a lot of fun writing it and I will be doing more stories. I was trying my best to make it good. If you didn't like it I am very sorry. If you did and you voted thank you that means a lot. If you could tell me how my story was please tell me. Thank you and see you probably in another story...

•The Morticians Daughter• (completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt