chapter 35

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A/N: I'm skipping the tour bc I have MAJOR writers block with this. I have been stuck so I'm skipping. Enjoy.

Angels POV

It has been at least a month after the tour and Andy and I were at our house watching tv.

-I want food.- was all Andy said before getting up and walking to the kitchen. I followed him. -Babe!- he exclaimed.

-What?!- I questioned.

-We need to go food shopping.- he said sadly. -But...but I don't wanna put in the effort..halp.- He said.

I laughed. -Well lets go! If you want food lets go.- I said. He sighed. -Come on. Put on a shirt and lets go.- I said. All the time he walks around shirtless.

-Fine.- he said and went to our bedroom. -I'll drive.-

-Fine.- I laughed. -Lazy butt.- I chuckled.

-Hey, Your lazy too.- he said.

-Really? How?- I asked.

-You have slept til like..- he trailed thinking for a minute, -Twelve in the afternoon. Here and on the bus.- he laughed.

We both walked out to the car and I climbed into the passenger side while he got in the driver's side. He started up the car and drove down the street.

-What store do you wanna go to?- He asked.

-Doesn't matter. Wal-Mart okay?- I asked.

-Yeah that's fine. It's the cheapest.- I laughed.

We parked the car and walked inside. It wasn't too crowded and I know Andy liked that because he was worried there was gonna be fangirls. He loves his fans but he gets tired of signing autograph after autograph. He tells me all the time.

We got a carrige and then walked around looking for things and occasionally grabbing what we wanted. -Ohh..should we get CC his monster? I know he said he wanted some yesterday when he was over. Remember he was complaining that we didn't have any in the house?- I asked/laughed.

-I don't know. I think we should. Just to be nice.- Andy said. I picked up the case of the energy drinks and put it in the carrige. Once we had all the things we wanted, we checked out and put everything in the trunk of the car, got in and drove home.

When we got home we took everything and put it in the places that they belonged. -We should make dinner now. It's already 5:00 today just went by too fast.- Andy said. We made dinner and ate it making small conversation now and then.

Once we were done we sat on the couch for the rest of the night. Even nights when were not doing anything at all are amazing. Just because I'm with the love of my life.

A/N: I am so sorry I never updated for a couple days. I had to drive to Ohio and I was just so busy. But here is a quick little filler chapter for now. I pro use I will do more probably later today. Thank you all for understanding ^.\\  comment/vote/fan.

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