Chaoter 16

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Andy's POV

It was her birthday. She and the guys were coming over my house for her birthday. I was nervous. I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I know it wasn't like a marriage proposal or anything. It's just, I really like this girl. And what if she said no. Stop it Andy. She likes you back you can tell. She won't say no. My thoughts said. I believed them.

You could easily tell she liked me. The way her sparkling blue eyes looked at me  when I made her smile. I hoped my thiughts were right. *Ding* -Ahh!- the doorbell made me jump out of my thoughts.

I ran up to the door and opemed it. It was only Ashley. I guess I didn't hear his bike pull up. -Hey Ash.- I said. -Hey man. Anyone else here yet?- he asked. -Nope. Can I ask you something?- I aksed.

-Yeah. What's up?- he asked. -I wanna ask Angel to be my girlfriend but...I don't know if she will say yes. What do you think?- I asked. He just looked at me. Oh no what did that mean? -Dude, I am definitely sure she will say yes- he said. I felt a little relieved. -You think so?- I asked. -I know so.- the doorbell rang again. I got up to answer it.

-Hey guys.- I said as CC, Jake, Angel, and Jinxx walked in. They all sat on the couch with what looked like boxes in their hands. -I told you guys nkt to get me anything.- she said. -All I wanted was to hang out with you guys.- she continued.

-Angel guess what?- Jinxx said. -What?- she said. -We got you somethings anyway so shut up.- he laughed. Angel followed and laughed also.


About an hour lassed and she still hasn't opened her presents. We had cake and talked for a bit but I wanted to give her present to her now.

-Angel you wanna open your gifts yet?- I asked anxiously. -Yeah why not.- she said.

Jake handed her a present first. She opened it to find a pair of brand new convers. -Those are your favorite colors right? Those are custom made pairs. With your favorite colors everywhere on them.- Jake said. -Omg Jake these are amazing thank you!- she walked over and hugged Jake.

Ashley went next. -Here ya go.- he said. She opened it up and pulled out brand new batman earrings. -Thanks Ash.- she said. She gave him a hug also. CC gave her one too. It was an envelope. -OH MY GOD! CC THANK YOU!- She said excitedly. -Your welcome. You like them right?- he asked.

-Yes I..I do!- she helled up 6 tickets. -I got 6 tickets to Falling in Reverse so we could all go. So it's pretty much a thing for eveyone.- he said. -Thank you so much.- she said. I wanted to gk last so Jinxx gave her a present from him.

-I know how you said you wanted to go on tour with us one time so I got an extra bunk put in. Thats why it was sent out for work. See I gave you a BVB pillow as a hint. Haha!- he laughed. She did too and hugged him.

Finally it was my turn. My heart was pounding. -Here you go Angel.- I handed her the small box. She unwrapped the paper and opened it leaving a gasp on her face. She took the necklace out of the box and held it up. -Andy...I..its beautiful! And...well what does it say on the ba- she stopped talking so she could read it. Her mouth dropped open.

-Andy...I would love to be your girlfriend. Thank you!- she ran and tackled me in a hug almost knocking me over.

-Thats good Hang on a moment.- I said. I walked over to Jinxx to talk to him. -Since your her brother and you look after her, can I go out with her? I'm only asking to be a gentleman.- I said. -Yes you can date my sister. Just remember, you hurt her I'll hurt you. Okey?- I nodded.

-Okay. I know you won't hurt her bro. I'm just warning you.- he said. -I know. Your my best bro! I would never think to hurt her.- I said. We bro hugged and then I walked over to Angel. -Here let me help you.- I took the nicklace and moved her hair out of the wag so I could clasp it on. -you like?- I asked. -I love- she said and hugged me.

I am so happy she said yes.

Jake's POV

I was happy for Andy and Angel. Seeing them together made me miss my fiance more. Ella. I wanted to be with her so much! I decided to call her. After the forth ring she finally answered. -Hello?- I loved her sweet accent. -Hey baby. I wanted to call and see how everything was.- I said. -Oh well its going good. I should be home soon. I have like two more shoots to go through and then ill be home. Probably on Friday.- she said.

-Okay. As soon as you get home there's someone I want you to meet.- I said. -Who?- she asked. -Jinxx's sister Angel.- I said. -You know what? Face time me.- she said. I did as I was told and then talked to her. -Okay now bring me out to where everyone is.- she said.

I walked out into the living room and she told me to bring her to Angel. I did. -Jake who's this?- Angel asked. -My fiance. I guess she wanted to meet you now.- I answered. -Her name is Ella.- I mouthed to Angel. She nodded and talked to Ella. -Hi Ella. It's nice to finally meet you.- Angel smiled. -it's nice to meet you too dear.- Ella said.

-I've been wanting to meet you. When I go to the studio with the guys Jake doesn't shut up about you.- Angel laughed. Ella laughed also. -Listen I have to go but Angel pull out your phone and put my number in okay?- Ella said.

Angel pulled out her phone as Ella said her number. Angel put her phone back and I lufted my ohone to everyone else so we could all say good bye. Once I hung up we all continued on with our night. It was fun!

A/N Ahh! There together now! hahahaha! I bet you thought there was gonna be a twist. Nope!  there wasn't! Ilyasm! It is almost 12:00 at night and I'm doing this for you guys so you better feel special... (jkjk I love you all)


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