chapter 11

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Jinxx's POV

I called the police station and had plans to go there with Angel later on to get the restraining order on dad. She had a bad feeling about him. I don't know why though. So far I wasn't doubting that he could possibly do something stupid, but I'm also not exactly sure he will do it.

When Angel and I both got up we headed downstairs to eat breakfast. -Hey Jinxx.- Angel said tiredly. -Hey Angel. Sleep good?- I asked. -Yeah. When are we getting the order?- she asked. I knew she'd bring it up.

-Later on. The guys and I have to go back to the studio and finish up drum tracking and then its on to guitars.- I said. -Okay. Can I come? Please?- she begged. Of course I was going to say yes. I wasn't going to leave her here alone. I didn't want you-know-who coming here and try taking her back.

-Yes Angel. You don't have to beg you know. Your going to be 18 when? Tomorrow. You can do whatever you want.- I said. -Yea. I know. But I'm not 18 yet so I'm still gonna ask. Plus this isn't my house.- she said. -Angel as long as you live here it's your house too. You don't need to ask.- I said. For everything she did she always asked to do things or to get a drink.

-I know. I guess I'm just used to asking because I always asked for everything at dads house. I was basically forced too.- she said. -I know. Now come on finish up so we can leave.- I told her. -After your done go get dressed. I'll be getting dressed now.- She nodded and continued eating while I trotted upstairs into my room.

I pulled out an Ac/dc band tee and black pants and threw those on. Then got my black shoes and put those on and then went back downstairs. Angel wasn't in the kitchen with her cereal so I'm guessing she was in her room getting dressed.

I walked outside and to my car.  I got in and waited for Angel.

Angel's POV

While Jinxx was upstairs getting ready, I was down here finishing up breakfast when my phone got a text. It was Andy.

Ab-you comin to the studio today?

Af-Yuppers :) just going to get dressed and then were off.

Ab-Has your dad bothered you anymore?

Af-No he hasnt thank god. I'll see you there okay? I have to get dressed.

Ab- alright :D c u soon

I put my phone down and put my bowl in the sink and ran uostairs. I pulled out my FIR shirt and black pants and threw those on. I got out my black combat boots and put those on too.

After I got dressed I did my make up. I threw a thin line of eyeliner on with mascara and did a smokey eye look. I walked downstairs and out the door to find Jinxx sitting in the car probably waiting for me.


We got to the studio and was immediately greeted by all the guys when we walked in. I loved these guys. Jake and Ash were tuining there guitars, CC was hitting the drums, and Jinxx got his guitar out and started to tune that. I just sat there watching and admiring CC's drum set. I've always wanted one of my own but never got one.

-Angel? Earth to Angel.- I heard someone say. I guess I was admiring the drums a little too much and zoned out for a moment.

-Yeah.- I shot my eyes up to Andy who was looking at me strangely. -You okay?- he asked. -Yeah I'm fine I'm just looking at the drums. I love the color on them.- I said. -Well maybe CC could teach you sometime.-he said. That brought me joy. -Maybe.- I said.

-Hey Angel? I've been meaning to ask you something.- he said. My heart began to pound. -Yeah?- I said. -You wanna hang out sometime? Maybe go out for dinner or something? Just the two of us?- he asked. I couldn't help but to have butterflies in my stomach. My heart pounded like a hammer against cloth and I felt like floating. I would like that. When?- I asked. about tonight? We can leave here together and go eat. Sound good?- I nodded and walked over to Jinxx. -Hey Jinxx I'm going later on after we're done here with Andy out to dinner okay?- I said.

-Alright. Yeah thats fine Angel. Again. You don't have to ask.- he let out a small chuckle. -I know. Just...shh I'm used to it!- I playfully hit his arm and pushed him slightly.

The rest of the time went by fast and it was time for us to leave. Andy and I decided to leave so we can get to a restaurant and actually have a seat before it gets too crowded.  It was going to be a good time.

•The Morticians Daughter• (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora