chapter 17

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Ashley's POV

Andy and Angel were together now. I'm happy for them. If only it was me. I have to admit, I did have feelings for Angel. I love her. But I can't do that to my best friend. I can't tear there relationship apart. Especially since they just got together. Literally like 5 minutes ago.

I walked off into the other room to get a drink. Soon CC followed me. -Hey man, you okay?- he asked. -Yeah I'm fine why?- I lied. I was hoping he doesn't know that I'm lying. Sometimes he knows who is lying and who's not.

-Are you sure your okay?- he asked again. Damn...he knew I was lying. -You know what CC, if I tell you, will you promise not to tell?- I asked. -Dude, you know I don't like spreading runors or gossip or whatever you wanna call it.- he said.

-I love Angel.- I said. He just looked at me,eyes widened. -You do? Who knew Mr.player would fall for someone.- he said then chuckled. I punched his arm slightly and couldn't help but let out a smile. -I love her but, I don't wanna ruin there relationship. If I do then...only God knows what Andy would probably do to me.- I said. -And possibly Jinxx..- I continued.

CC looked at me. -Dude. I'm sure you'll find someone to make you happy. And even if its not Angel, it'll be someone you love so very much.- he said. -Thanks CC.- I said. We both walked back into the living room where everyone was. Maybe CC is right. It may not be Angel, but it will be with someone I'm happy with. Maybe I just have to wait.

A/N It's a short chapter but with this one I was brain dead and I wanted to include someone else's POV other than Andy or Jinxx or Angel's. Hope you like it :D


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