chapter 36

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Angels POV

The guys had a photoshoot to go to so I was going to be spending the day Ella. She was so nice to everyone.

-Hey babe.- Andy called to me. His deep voice echoed through the house.

-yes my dear?- I laughed/asked.

-I have to leave now.- he said. I pouted.

-No! Mah babies leaving me!- I chuckled.

-I will be back later I promise. Can the guys come over and chil?- he asked.

-why are you asking me? It's your house not mine.- I laughed. I always say it's not my house it's his because I'm the one who moved in with him. He gets mad.

-Babe you know it's not my house it's our house. Stop it.- he said. He came up behind me and hugged me.

-But it's true.- I said.

-No it's not. It's our house now.- He said and kissed me. -I got to go now. Have fun with Ella.- he continued.

-Okay. I will. I love you.- I said.

-I love you too.- he blew me a kiss and walked out the door to his car, got in and drove away. Not even a few minutes later Ella showed up and beeper her horn calling for me.

I laughed then went outside. -You know I have a door bell right?- I asked.

-Shut up and get in.- she laughed also. This was the kind of friendship we had. -I just passed Andy down the road. I'm guessing he was going to the shoot?- Ella asked.

-Yeah. He asked me if he could have the guys over after the shoot I said it was his house. He got mad again.- I laughed.

-Well you know he hates when you say that. Because it is now yours and Andy's house.- she said.

-I's just so weird. I'm finally with the love of my life and it's so weird to move in to his home and call it mine.- I explained.

-Sweetheart, that's how I felt when I moved in with jake. But after a week or two I finally got used to things and called things mine. And Jake is fine with that.- Ella said. I nodded and looked out the window. After a couple of minutes she finally started the car and drove to the mall.

-You did want to go to the mall right?- Ella asked.

-I don't care really. it's up to you.- I said.

-Your way to nice...- she trailed.

-It's just in my nature- I laughed/replied. When she parked her car we both got out and walked into the place.

We shopped at a few stores and bought some things. After an hour or so of shopping we decided to get something to eat.

-What do you want?- Ella asked. -I'm probably gonna get the same thing as you so make it good.- she laughed. I laughed with her. We decided to go to the burger king that was in the food court.

-So, how have you and Andy been ever since you guys got back together.- Ella asked. It was honestly out of nowhere. I didn't mind it though.

-We're better than ever. That was the worst time of my life when I lost him for that short amount of time.- I explained.

-Well that's how you know it's true love my dear.- Ella said.

-Yeah, I thought that was the end. I wanted to die without him.- I said. She just looked at me with sorrow and sadness. She looked sorry for me.

-it's okay sweetpea. I promise you won't lose him again.- was all she said before we got up and threw are trash out. -And even if you did, which I'm sure won't happen but if it were to happen, you would always have me to help you through everything.- she said and hugged me.

Ella has always been there for me. Even when I wasn't with Andy she was there for me. I love her like she was my sister.

-Come on. Lets go to another store.- I said with tears almost to my eyes. She really understood me when no one else did. She understood me when I was living with dad. When she saw how he was when she first met me, she immediately gave me her number.

She told me to call or text her whenever I needed to talk to someone. And I did.

-Okay dear.- we then walked to another store. I didn't need to be there so I told her I would be right back.

I walked into the Debs that was there to get some clothes. I picked out some clothes and paid for them after trying them on. I walked out of the store and started to go to where Ella said she would meet me. At Starbucks.

I walked down a long hallway and I could see Starbucks. I was then stopped by a random stranger on the way there. I tried to scream for help but he covered my mouth so I couldn't. I knew it was a guy. I'm just hoping it's not the guy I knew.

He dragged me down another hallway and pinned me up against the wall. -Miss me princess?- the mysterious guy said. I knew it was him...

A/N: Hello. hahaha. I left you with a cliff hanger. I'm sorry don't hate me. you'll find out the next chapter who the mysterious guy is. Your welcome..

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