"Well, if you don't want me to.."

A loud grunt startled them both, and Kaiden grabbed onto her hand tightly. "Stay behind me."

"No way." With a roll of her eyes, she argued and stepped forward, peering around the corner.
"What in the—"

"Oh goodness, no," Kaiden grunted from his perspective right behind her shoulder.

"Hey, uhh...hi guys," a dark form came towards them and his scent was immediately recognised by Kaiden, but not by Chesca. His smooth voice was, though, and she took a large step back with disdain as Elah dropped from the eave to her balcony.

"Nice night to be out," he wiggled his eyebrows.

"You idiot!" Kaiden lurched forward and grabbed him by the collar. "You trying to get yourself killed? Do you know the scare you gave us?" Kaiden had obviously been on edge and ready to strangle the midnight intruder. For some reason, Chesca wouldn't mind if he still did.

"Hey hey! Hold up!" A feminine voice joined the conversation and reached her hand around Kaiden's shoulder to push him away. With a laugh lacing her stern tone, she leaped down to the balcony and flicked her perfect black hair over her shoulder.


"What? You too?" Chesca couldn't believe her eyes as she switched the outdoor spotlight on, and saw the two intruders holding beer bottles and teetering on their feet. "I don't believe this..." her voice trailed off, heavy with threats.

"We were just enjoying the night air from the rooftop," Elah slurred and slung an arm around the gorgeous woman.

Miranda leaned into Elah's side and smiled coyly. "Sorry to interrupt your...whatever you guys have going on," she looked them up and down and lifted her eyebrows in a knowing way.

Miranda's gaze crawled over Chesca's skin, making Chesca want to leap on the vixen and scratch her eyes out. That thought seemed catty and possessive, but the desire in the other woman's eyes as they lingered over Kaiden was disgusting and on the verge of punishable.

"Yeah, nice shirt, Sis. Is it...inside-out?" Elah leaned forward for a closer inspection of Chesca's shirt and chuckled.

The mortification that erupted in her chest as she looked down was worse than anything she'd felt before. Heat stained her face bright red as she realised what she was wearing: Kaiden's grey shirt hung loosely on her body, reaching mid thigh over her short shorts, and obviously insinuating one thing and one thing only.

"We weren't...I mean, it's not..." her voice squeaked and stammered, only making them smirk harder.

"You kids are so cute," Miranda smirked and flicked her hair over her shoulder in a priggish manner.

"Leave her alone," Kaiden stepped closer to Chesca and continued gripping her hand, as if the couple in front of them really were a threat to his mate. It was almost endearing, in a sense.
For a damsel in distress.

But hiding behind an Alpha wasn't her idea of showing dominance. "You two have all of ten seconds to get off my roof," she hissed, meeting both their gazes and widening her stance. Anger  rippled off her shoulders, causing her hands to clench into fists.

"Oh, we were just coming in anyway, weren't we, El baby?" Miranda shrugged, purring with nonchalance. Taking his hand, she brazenly tugged him towards the sliding door that led into Chesca's suite. "You have a beautiful place, Alpha. My sister is going to love it."

"Your sister? Who said you could invite all these mutts to my territory?" Chesca glared at Elah.

Miranda just giggled in response, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air behind them.

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