21.A change in Perspective (Ghost)

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When I came to I was standing in from of the door. My hand was extended and the door was in complete shambles. It had completely splintered apart. I don't even remember walking up the steps. The last thing I remember was some voice saying to break down the door. It wasn't the normal voice I hear in my head. Actually, it sounded like that voice was having a conversation with the normal one. If I was being honest it sounded like Jessica. Jessica... I hope she's ok. I never got to talk to her about what happened yesterday. I never got to tell her how I feel

You'll see her again. After all, she's quite the capable killer. People like us don't die easily.

That's not what you said earlier.

I was trying to upset you. Proving my point to our dearest Jessi.

Wait, WHAT?! Next thing I knew I was shoved onto the floor by Johnny who was yelling out for Jessica. I know he's worried but we all saw what happened. There's no point in wasting time on stupid actions when she needs us.

Maybe we should just...


I was going to say leave him behind but at least we settled that.

What did you mean earlier that you were the reason I forgot?

I'm always the reason you forget. Unless its injury based and even then, I still remember.

Like two minutes ago, with the door.

No that was different, that was me forcing control.


Pay attention!

A teacup came flying at me and froze. Next thing I know Jimmy's in control dodging out of the way of the cup and making our way to Johnny. This can't be good.

"What the hecks your problem. You almost hit us- ME. You almost hit me." Johnny just stared at us until he realized just where he threw the cup. 

"Sorry. I'm just worried. She's my baby sister." Jimmy gives back control and I lead Johnny to the couch. Everything was a mess. The table was broken. The wall was dented from where Jess had hit her head. I had brace myself as the images passed my mind. The feelings I felt. The pain from her head hitting the wall. The burning from the knife and the kick. I felt it all. Last night, I felt her rage, her bloodlust. I felt her insanity and I felt her guilt when she attacked me. I felt her anger and the pain in her hand when we first came back. I felt everything. Like I was the one experiencing it. 

The day we got the call about the murder I was so excited. But, on the way there I got more and more worried. But It felt like all those other times so I pushed it off. To be honest, I thought I was all Jimmy.

Nope wasn't me never was. But I will tell you the bloodlust she felt over the year, really messed me up.

Anyway. We got there and I felt my heart sank. It was like the one thing I dreaded came to pass, but I didn't know why I felt that way. When we found the body Jess's face just changed. She hated the guy. I felt hate towards the guy. I guy I didn't even know. 

Was that when you realized you've been feeling everything she was feeling?

No, it wasn't. It was when we were watching the video. 

Ooh, tell them why you broke the window.

I didn't break the window, YOU DID. There a surge of bloodlust and you acted out. Back to the video. We were watching it and I got a sense of Deja Vu. I felt like I was reliving it. I snuck a glance over at Jess and that's when I realized it. She had a look of pure rage. Her hands were balled into fists, and when the guy in the video hit the girl. I don't know. 

You wanted to kill him. And this time it was NOT my influence.

I still don't understand it.

That partly my fault. But also hers, I only did it because of her. She was right in a sense, but wrong too.

"Sir, what do we do?" I look over a Toast. He looks broken and defeated. I had told him I didn't want her coming along. He made a promise to me that something like this would never happen. He would protect her. I can't help but think he's beating himself up over that as well. I don't know how but... He found out how much she means to me. All those years hiding it, trying desperately to get over her. She was my best friends sister. I was terrified about how they both would react if I ever told them, but he accepted it. He was happy even. I never understood it.

It's because she liked you too idiot. Actually correction, she likes us both.

What are you talking about she's never even met... Wait. The days I lost in London a year ago? Jimmy EXPLAIN!

Maybe later, I mean we have to go save your girlfr-


It will take so long and Toast is obvious-


There are things you might not want to know. Like when I was-


Fine but don't start crying to me if you remember something you didn't want to know.

What are you-

"AAAAGGGHH!!!" Intense pain shot through my entire body. I fell to the floor unable to do anything but scream out in pain. Toast started freaking out again yelling for someone to come help but soon a loud ringing in my ears blocked out everyone around me. More pain shot through and my whole body twitched causing me to turn the other way. 

I tried to tell you. Despite everything I am and do, I still try to protect you, even from myself.

Only... b-because... you... have... t-to!

It's more than that and you know it.

"Agghh!" More pain and soon everything starts to go dark. The last thing I see is Jimmy kneeling down beside me. A look of sorry replacing his usual crazy smile.

It didn't fit him.

DYW2KMS: Jessi Casket (Book 1)~ Needs Rewriting!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon