11.Welcome Home

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~A Year Later~

The house itself wasn't much to look at but it was big, big enough to be a base of operations and still have room to live in. Which is good because I need my own space. I have things of my own that I do too. It's not just a paranormal obsession in my head, besides I need a workshop to work on my gadgets. My bedroom is exactly what you would expect of one, it has four walls and a closet. Except I've been here for about a year now without the boys. They went back to America early to help out a family over there, something about dinosaurs and Nintendo... I don't know...  They have just been wracked with case after case, so my move to Little Butts North Carolina was a solo one...but anyway since they have been gone for so long I figured I would do some renovations and add a few things. There was enough room for it, so why not, what the boys don't know won't hurt them... I hope. So in addition to the four walls and closet I have for a bedroom, I also added a secret passage to below the house. There was this whole networking system below where our house is that branches out across town. I managed to seclude a portion of it and spent the whole of seven months working just down there. I think it came out pretty well. 

I spent a good three months in a frenzy going in and out of stores just to get stuff to fill the house until I realized there was no point to it. It was exhausting, not to mention the fact that one of the stores' employees decided he was going to flirt with me everytime I was there. It took all I had not to break his neck. I think that alone was a big accomplishment, at least for me... As I am now. Speaking of which, I hope Jimmy won't mind but I stole his name... and gimmick I guess. I mean if you think about it nothing really kills more than a secret... And He Owes Me... BIG TIME...

Okay so back to the secret bunker below the house. As I call it ... haha... Its got my workshop, my tech room (Computers and electromagnetic monitoring gear that are too bulky to move), and a kitchenette in case I don't want to wake the boys... Not that I would anyway. I have also invested in a gym/training room because if I'm going to be "Ghost Hunting" I have to be able to at least run. Plus it helps to keep the mind occupied... I've needed that a lot recently... Anyway, I took a large portion of the sewer that connected to the networking system and turned it into a weapons training area as well as a very large armory. Didn't need to do much change there, mainly I was just getting the stink out. What? We have large e.m.p bombs and weaponry powerful enough to be nukes. In fact, Ghost has a unique array of just that... NUKES. We have swords and guns aplenty and we need a place to put them safely and practice... don't we... I mean me... They wouldn't really be allowed down here... The main purpose of this is for me and my quirks as to not cause issues for the others. It's better if they never found out.

Back to the house, we have a total of three bedrooms set up, 2 office spaces for those bedrooms, 3 separate full baths, and one guest half bath in the front of the house.The guest bathroom is on the left of the front door. I've set up the living room space in the front of the house into a reception area... not that it will be used but at least it looks professional right. Than that branches off into the 2 office spaces which both lead to their respecting bedrooms. The kitchen is right behind the receptionist's desk, behind that is the dining area. After that, the two bedrooms meet up again into the huge office space that I set up as the living room, and finally my room and the backyard. Besides that, we have a whole other floor, a huge garden, and a 5 car garage... which I personally think is way too much space... Don't even get me started on the pool which just so happens to have a shed alongside it. I honestly think Toast went all out and kinda overdid it, but hey the whole networking system was outstanding and super helpful with certain things, and he doesn't even know about it.

I had a sign made for the front of the house. You know those professional business sign they have up and stuff. Well, I had one made for us with the Mathematical Pie symbol worked into the wood. I think the boys will be very surprised. It took a lot of effort to put it up especially when no one is here to help. How did I manage to do all this by myself and in a years time? Easy... well, not really? It was a sort of training in itself I guess. Since all that, with Jimmy, my... Gifts... became increasingly powerful. And I need to know just what I can do, while at the same time, not putting others at risk. Turns out I can do A LOT... Like, um, Do you know Kyle XY, and how he can do things like... uh... he can heal, levitate, freeze, and burn things... And so much more. That's basically what it is. Anything my mind can touch I can alter and manipulate. Now don't get any funny ideas though, I have not nor will I ever try to alter or manipulate another's mind. I don't even think that that is possible. How would that even work?

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