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Hello everyone out there. Johnny told me to write this so here I am. I know what your all thinking. Who am I, and how do I know Johnny Ghost and Toast. Well, I'm Johnny Toast's sister, the one no one mentions or even knows exists. But anyway I grew up in London with my grandmother. There is a reason why I wasn't with my mother but you'll realize it later. So where was I... oh yes grandmother was very strict with me I had only one friend. Who by the way was only through gaming, forums, and chats. Spencer for some reason kept giving me the excuse "He was locked In the basement, so he couldn't visit." I always thought he was lying. My curfew was 5 o-clock, and absolutely no dating. For a young child at the time, it was as if my life ended the minute I walked through the doors. I was always a bit of a rebel as well as dramatic. Though I never got a way with anything, it never stopped me from trying. I often went on secret paranormal investigations with toast and ghost, and by secret I mean not even they knew I was there. Which surprised me more than the ghosts considering that toast is physic and ghost is a bit paranormal himself. I mean it only made sense for at least one of them to have realized I tagged a long. But anyway it always amazed me how the ghosts could look like so many different things. Or how something so small and looks like a bat/cat stuffed toy could destroy an entire building in 2 minutes flat. The destruction was always my favorite, though watching the boys scream like babies, was pretty entertaining too. Yes I know I am mad. So ...

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