15.Psycho Moment

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"What's going on with you today?" Ghost just looks at me. It was like he didn't hear a thing I was saying. It kinda pissed me off.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Oh don't give me that crap. You've been silent, moody, and just plainly avoiding me since this we got back. You even went so far as to dismiss the case that you pressured Toast into taking." Ghost just stared with this uninterested look. He's been going out of his way to avoid me. He even went so far as to turn and leave a room he just walked into because I was there. And... As much as I would love to sit here and say "It doesn't matter" IT DOES. What did I do to? I mean besides kill someone at a local store, but that typical. At least for me now. They don't even know it was me, right. I mean Toast doesn't, he would tell me. 

"Look, Jessica, it's been a long day." He called me Jessica. He never calls me that. He always calls Jess. "My eye is killing me, my head won't stop spinning... I'm just not in the mood to go through this."

"Is that what this is about. I was exhausted and you scared me. I don't even know how I managed to get the book..."

"Whoa, what are you talking about?" I was breathing hard, my anger getting the best of me. Ghost held on to my shoulders worry evident in his eyes. I wasn't making any sense to him. My head started spinning and I twitched in pain. I knew what was coming. He set me off. I shoved Ghost away and ran out of the house as fast as I could. The rain fell, drenching completely. I stood there, face towards the sky, as my hair went from black back to red, the pink and white ends sticking to my clothes. My hands went into my pockets, where my hand touched something. I wrapped my hand around the cool rubber handle and walked off towards town.

"He comes back and forgets that I've been alone in the house for so long. He acts all happy to be back. Things happened and Uggh!" I picked up a rock and chucked it. I watched as it flew right into a metal sign, which now has a rock-sized hole in it. My skin was starting to crawl and my anger kept rising. How dare he treat me like that, ME! I went out of my way to save him before... Not that he remembers it... BUT STILL, I am his best friends sister.

"What the heck is wrong with him?"

"Hello? Is someone there?" I ran and hid beside a building, allowing the dark of the night to shield me from view. You don't find very many people walking alone at night. Not anymore anyway. Even if I haven't killed in months, besides the store clerk, which was kept hidden. They're all still scared. This woman doesn't seem to have gotten the memo. There's a dangerous serial killer on the loose. A wicked and psychotic smile spread across my face as my new found insanity took hold. I lost all sense of myself. I just wanted to kill. I was no longer that sweet and loving Girl Jessica Toast. Instead, I was the insane and blood driven serial killer Jessi Casket.

"I know you're out there, I heard you yell. If something's wrong, I'm sure I can help." I watched as the woman walked past me. I slipped further into the darkness, allowing her to move a few steps more before following. She stopped underneath a street lamp looking obviously worried. Being psychic makes it so much better. I can actually feel there fear as I kill them. There's nothing like the feeling I get from that.

"Hello there." My voice sounded smooth but you can definitely hear the insanity in it. My hands began shaking with anticipation. The women jumped a bit spinning around until she saw me. I was still in the shadows so she couldn't see me fully. That's good though makes her more scared.

"Oh! Are you the one that had screamed." She took a step farther into the light, think that I would follow her. I don't.

"Yes, that was me... Sorry If I frightened you." I was waiting for my moment to strike. My hand was placed firmly on the knife in my pocket. I was so ansty, I had even started to twitch slightly.

"Are you all right? People don't usually... scream for no reason." She took another step back, obviously sensing something was off with me. Good, maybe I'll get a chase tonight. I couldn't contain my laughter at the thought. It rang through the street with such intense bloodlust that even someone as oblivious as Johnny Ghost could hear it. The woman backed up scared out of her mind. I took a step closer allowing my knife, that I had pulled out, to glisten in the light. The woman screamed and tried to run away but she tripped over her self and fell. The trip ended up spraining her ankle. I mean what luck, that's why I never wear heels. My smile widened as I got closer, I was practically on top of her by now. My mind started running a mile a minute thinking of everything I could do to her until it didn't. It shut down and only a few words remained.

"Shh... Smile! I'm going to let you in on a secret." I practically lulled the words. I lifted my knifed right above her chest and plunged it into her heart...

Or at least I would have If I wasn't tackled off of her.

"RUN!" The woman got up and ran as best she could will a sprained ankle, far away from me. I freaked out. My screams turning into an inhuman growl.

"LET ME GO!" I was flailing against the immense strength that held me. You would have to be inhuman to hold me down in this state. I was way past ok by this point. My mind had gone red and I lost any and all control that I may have still had.

"And let you do what? Kill that innocent woman?"

"Oh that RICH coming from you!" Ghost just stared at me with shock. His grip loosened and before he could realize I got myself free. My madness and bloodlust making my movement jerk and twitchy. My knife, which had fallen in the tackle, flew back into my hand. I launched at him. I wasn't even thinking. All I thought of was my need to kill. My need for blood. All I saw was red. My knife connected with him and he fell back, clutching his arm as his blood fell. The blood began to run down, pooling on the asphault. I took one step closer, stepping right into the pool of Ghosts blood. The red immediately drained from my vision. I look up to see Ghost sitting there in pain, looking back at me with such...

Tears welled up and began to fall, dripping to the ground and mixing in with the blood. I couldn't believe I just did that. I hurt Johnny AGAIN! What kind of monster am I? He was right, he should have avoided me. He wouldn't have gotten hurt then. The color drained from my hair and eyes until they were back to being black and blue. 

"I-I..." I just shook my head and ran back home. I ran past Toast and straight into my room. I could hear Toast knocking in the door wondering what was going on but I couldn't deal with it. I opened the secret passage to my base, closing it and escaping right before I hurt Ghost burst through yelling my name. I cringed at the pain in his voice. I cringed at the anger. I cringed at my patheticness, hiding instead of taking my beating. I hurt Ghost. I hurt him again. This time, however, I would have killed him.

I don't deserve to see him again. But knowing my luck, that's all that will happen.

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