Epilogue #2

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**[Brandon & Eileen's house - Knapp St. - Portland, Oregon]- 11:35PM**

It's been around 50 minutes since Ray was brutally shot to death and we already covered the search area for most of the inside of this house. It's a gruesome scene. We found dead bodies in this house. At least we only found 6 dead bodies at that time with 1 person named Charlotte was taken away from the crime scene by the ambulance. Just as we about to continue its last search, Luke came in from the backyard.

(Luke): "Guys, how's the search going on here?"

(David): "It's always grim and shocking. We always see dead bodies, blood, knives, and katana blades. Good thing we covered them up before we could dispose them and also we safely disposed the weapons. How's yours?"

(Luke): "Tons of officers and myself, we found a dead body in the swimming pool."

(David, Kianna & Lily): "What?!"

We decided to check it out by passing through the door that was broken before, but was suddenly repaired for an unknown reason. When we looked at the pool, there is Ray, lying dead on the pool and her blood is still in the process of coloring the swimming pool to red.

After a minute, we decided to lift Ray out of the pool and place it near the edge of the pool.

I swam into the blood & water-mixed swimming pool with Kianna and Luke behind me. We used some strength and willpower to lift Ray out from the 5-foot pool. It's November tonight in Portland and the cold air plus the hard rain had cooled down the pool a lot and it's so cold that I was shivering a little but we got out after we placed the dead body on solid ground.

After we're done and about, we investigated and looked at the body. There are lots of bullet wounds, few on her brain or the skull, several on her torso and chest and a few on her legs. We were shocked at the state of her body when she was shot.

(David): "This is something we have never expected to see before in my life. But what could have made these holes?"

(Luke): "I suspect, a gunshot and it's a firearm. That's what the intercom said about [loud gunshots.]"

(Lily): "You're right. I saw a handgun on the table and it might be it."

(Luke): "That's the Glock 17 made from Austria."

(David): "I know that gun too. But has it been fired that night? Well, one thing to find out is to unload the magazine and see."

I unload the magazine by pulling the magazine off from the cartridge from where the rounds are loaded before being fired. As i searched around the area for bullets and looked the magazine more closely, I was shocked.

Not only that the entire magazine was used up but also there are 15 bullet shells everywhere on the clay tile flooring within a 9 feet radius and 2 may have been submerged into the swimming pool.

(Luke): "I'm counting her bullet wounds. There are 17 bullet shots on this girl. I guess she must have been brutally shot to death."

(Kianna): "Jesus, talk about overkill."

(Lily): "Mega brutal if you ask me."

(David): "The amount of bullet wound shots suggest that this girl might be the suspect of the killings. Was it possible?"

(Lily): "I think so. But we need proof or evidence to back up your claim."

(Calvin): "Sir, we searched around the outside but there nothing to be found except for this girl. How is your search?"

(David): "Not good but however, we do able to cover up some evidence and we found bodies inside this house so I bet that the murder mostly took place indoors."

(Calvin): "Oh wait! I almost forgot. I found a knife in the swimming pool while you were lifting the body out."

(David): "Hmmm.. This looks promising. We need to have that knife analyzed for fingerprints to see if this girl is a prime suspect."

(Calvin): "Alright. I'll send some forensic officers to come here and take the knife for analysis. Maybe this has to do as evidence for who is the killer."

(David): "But do we have eyewitness accounts for this murder?"

(Calvin): "There is a window on the right side of this backyard. It is belonged by a another house. Someone could have seen this shooting that occurred and recorded the video about it."

(David): "It might be a possibility but we need all the evidence and the help we can get in order to solve the mystery. We should call someone who recorded or witnessed the crime by tomorrow early afternoon."

(Luke): "I'll come with you. For my girlfriend's sake."

(Kianna and Lily): "Me too!"

(David): "Ummm... Sorry girls but it's only the three of us who were about to question the key eyewitness. You two must stay there back at the East Precinct for further commands from the chief until we come back."

(Kianna & Lily): "Aww... Man..."

(David): "Maybe next time alright? But anyway, were going to continue the search in this house. There might be more clues or evidence we haven't founded it yet."

So we continued on inside the house and while we climbed upstairs. We searched every room but found nothing out of the ordinary. Then I saw something unusual about the giant picture frame.

"It's like a door and it's wide open" I said before I went inside with Kianna, Lilly and the other officers.

I saw the ladder through the 1 meter hall and I start climbing and I was astonished that I'm in some sort of a secret room. I knew that there could be jackpot in there, and by jackpot I mean vital evidence for solving this mystery.

Quickly, I sent Lilly, Kianna, Luke and Calvin inside the secret room or attic. We find a secret compartment where Brandon had found the G17 pistol and they find very few amenities. The only find food crumbs, wrappers and a single raisin from a frozen-dried fruit-nut mix. I thought there could be some clues in there but all we find is food and nothing. Just as we decided to leave the room, I saw a piece of paper sticking on the wall and it says "Warning to anyone who reads this."

We were a bit surprised and curious about this piece of evidence we haven't been able to see it, not even anyone who were the murder victims or survivors can see it. But I taped off the paper and we unfolded the paper and what it says in the note comes in a shocking bombshell.

(David): "Oh my god."

(Kianna): "What is it?"

(Luke): "Something wrong?"

(David): "This is really bad. This note. It's written in red, looked like blood but its written clearly. It says...

"If anything were to happen to Ray or Patrick, I will come for you and anyone in Portland and I will kill you. Don't underestimate me. And I am not joking. I have a grenade launcher and I am not afraid to use it. In a few months time, no one will ever have a chance to live."

They are absolutely shocked by the statement of the note and for me, I feel silent and I suddenly get a premonition. All I could only hear was slashing noises that popped out into my head shortly after I read the note. The other police officers thought to themselves that it wasn't true.

"Is this a joke, right?" said Luke anxiously.

"It can't be serious!" cried Lily.

(Calvin) "Sir, who wrote the note!? Maybe it's a mastermind and these two are someone's lapdogs?"

(David): "It might be possible, but the only thing we can do now is to do some handwriting analysis back at the Portland East Precinct, and no matter what the analysis may come up in a positive or negative results, we all need to embrace ourselves and hope that nothing bad will ever happen."



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