Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice

Start from the beginning

Lucifer looked up, eyes meeting mine. That brief instant, the connection betwen us, opened up then and tore through me. My eyes watered, he couldnt be here. He couldnt see this. But his eyes were no longer on me, but on my captor. His body changed instantly, that shocked frozen form melting as cold-blooded rage replaced it. He seemed to grow taller, his posture straightening. "Mandy, what are you doing!?" He growled. His voice, like music to my ears, was deadly, a tone I had never heard from him. I heard her gasp slightly, but not in fear. With affection. It was the same noise I would make when Lucifer would do something naughty in the bedroom; a sound that shouldnt have come from her seeing as he was quite menacing then. I couldnt pull my eyes away from him, watching as he took in the gun on my head and how she could easily blow me away at any moment. His eyes glowed crimson and I could feel her body tense with excitement behind me.

"Im doing this for us, baby!" She cried, crazed voice nearly singsong like in my ear. "You dont have to worry anymore, Lorelai cant ever hurt you again." His eyes flared and I struggled against her, causing his flaming gaze to come back to me. He started forward and she jerked me back, the gun pressing harder. I yelped and Lucifer growled. "Dont," Mandy warned. "I want to enjoy this."

"Let her go, Mandy!" His booming voice echoed through the apartment, causing her to jump. "Dont yell at me!" She cried, voice going almost childlike, "Im doing this for us!"

"There is no us!" He roared. "Now release her!" Mandy was silent for a moment, the room growing still around us as the fate of my life was held in her hands. Lucifer kept his gaze locked on her and I prayed that even if things didnt end well for me, that he would be safe. God, I thought a lone tear sliding down my cheek as I took in Lucifer's angelic beauty, please dont let this woman hurt him. Please, take me, not him...

As if hearing my thoughts, his eyes found mine. The glowing red faded and a look of despair replaced them. Taking in my frightened appearance, the tears staining my cheeks, Lucifer offered me a small smile. It was the kind that I loved, his shy ones that were so rare. "Its alright, love. Youre going to be fine." Mandy jerked me suddenly and my legs nearly came out from under me. "Dont talk to her! She doesnt deserve you!" Lucifer frowned, his stance moving from concerned to casual as he tipped his head in Mandy's direction. "And you do? What makes you better than her, pray tell?" He took another step forward but Mandy jerked us back. "Lucifer dont," I whispered, shaking my head fractionally. His gaze flickered from me to her, but he stopped moving. I exhaled in relief. "Shes nobody," Mandy started, voice almost eager to prove how worthy she was of him, "she left you. She broke your heart! Id never do that, baby! I love you!"

Lucifer again looked as if he had been slapped, his head jerking back and eyes widening. This time, however, his gaze found mine. Understanding and realization dawned on him and although he was speaking to Mandy, his beautiful eyes stayed firmly locked on mine. "No," his voice was just above a whisper, tight emotion lacing his tone, "Lorelai never left me. I forced her away. I broke her heart, not the other way around." I gasped slightly at his confession, the small part of myself that was hoping beyond hope that he would take me back, blooming up to fill my senses and consume me. His eyes looked back to my captor, hardening slightly. "I dont love you, Mandy and I never will." Mandy stilled behind me and I held my breath, watching as Lucifer stared her down. Seconds felt like hours as I waited for her response. I expected an outburst or a cry of some sort, what we got instead was much worse though. Her voice, filled with delusional affection before, had gone hard and ice like.

"Fine, then Lorelai here will get to choose," she started, the flesh of my arms raising as her venomous tone spoke my name, "you die or she dies. Lorelai, your choice."

"No!" Lucifer roared. He moved forward but Mandy cocked the gun, her hold on me tightening. "Nu uh uh, one step and shes gone." Gone was the infatuated girl, Mandy was now the killer we had been after, the one who had massacred countless people in her useless attempt at Lucifer. "Lucifer please," I whispered, his eyes, so wide and filled with fear and fury, finding mine. "Go, forget about me. Save yourself." Tears fell down my cheeks, the fear that had been coursing through me lifting slightly. I might not be able to walk out of here, but he could. The world didnt need me, but it needed him. I didnt want to die, by any means, but I was not strong enough to see the man I loved murdered in front of my eyes. Id rather die a thousand deaths than witness that.

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