Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions

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"I love your car, by the way." I murmured as we stopped at a red light. Lucifer glanced over at me, smirking. "Shes beautiful isnt she?" I nodded my agreement. We were driving back from brunch with the top down. My hair had been flying all over the place but I didnt mind. It was freeing in a sense, and such a beautiful day to not take advantage of it.

Lucifer reached out then, gently sweeping a few stray pieces of hair away from my face. I gave him a soft smile, tilting my head softly as he caressed my face. After our little game at brunch he had actually been remarkably affectionate and sweet. I wondered idily if he thought I would crack, so to just bide his time and let me come to him instead of him drawing me out. Whatever the case was, I had enjoyed our date and enjoyed how wanton I felt when we had our brief trist. I decided to just take what I could get, accept his affection and hope that we could enjoy these moments for a little while longer.

"Lorelai? Love?" My name being called suddenly broke me from my thoughts and I looked at Lucifer who was watching me with a questioning gaze. I blushed, "sorry, I didnt hear you."

"I could see that, what were you thinking about, pray tell?" I bit my lip blushing, opting for sensual humor instead of the truth. "Just reliving brunch is all," Lucifer's eyes darkened slightly, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he glanced from the road to me. "If thats got you unnerved just you wait, darling." I sighed, smiling slightly and shaking my head. I had brought it on myself but felt my toes curl inwards. Lucifer was desire personified and it was pretty easy to get swept up in it all.

We turned into the UCLA dorms then, parking in the visitor spots outside. Lucifer got out, buttoning up his suit jacket while he walked around the car and grabbed my door for me. I smiled shyly, stepping out. "Why thank you, sir." I giggled and a smile broke out across his face. He closed the car door and pulled me to him, his hand warm on the small of my back. "Youre quite welcome, now, shall we go inside?"


Inside where he could get his hands all over me. Inside where his lips and hands could coerce me into dropping my guard. Inside where I would surely fall prey to his sweet talk and rough touch. I bit my lip contemplating this; after the incident at brunch, which yes I initiated, I could see how he mightve thought that things had changed. Although they had not. I didnt want to risk popping this precarious bubble I had put us in, the one that let me have a little fun while not fully unleashing the force of my dark side. I bit my lip, searching his eyes before leaning up and gently pressing my lips to his. He responded immediately, pulling me closer and making our kisses more passionate. I found myself easily giving in to that and deepening the kiss further, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth, his hands to grip my waist more firmly. My hands wrapped around his neck, pulling myself up and him down to me at the same time.

Somewhere in our hot haze I realized we were standing in a very public parking lot and that I should probably stop this. Thankfully my self-control seemed to be in better shape than it was the other day on the couch, so I was able to briefly pull away and murmur, "no." That single word was enough for him to pull away, giving me a look that wouldve been hard to confuse with anything other than confusion. "No?" He asked, "youre kissing me like that, teasing me at brunch, and you wont invite me up?" We had pulled enough away from eachother that I didnt have to crane my neck to look up at him so much. I raised my chin, trying to speak as confidantly as I could. "Thats right."

I couldve been wrong but something close to wonder passed through his eyes, flashing so briefly it had come and gone before he himself even realized it. He sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, youre the boss, what are your plans for this evening then?"

"This evening?" I raised a brow, tilting my head slightly. "Yes, this evening. I want to see you again, if thats what you wish." My heart fluttered slightly, he wanted to see me again. He was leaving it up to me too. Lucifer might have been persistent in trying to get me in the sack but an asshole he was not, I wondered idily if that was his brit side showing. I was about to say yes when I realized that I had to work again tonight. Deflating slightly I sighed, "Id love to but Im working tonight. Maybe another time...?" I trailed off, praying that would still be an option. He nodded, reaching out to grab my hand. He lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of it while maintain eye contact. "Of course, Ill call you."

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