Chapter Seventeen: The Gala

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We took Lucifer's car to the gala, which was located on the bluffs of some cliffs overlooking the city. The warm night air thankfully hadnt ruined my hair as we drove, but it did soothe my nerves. I had no idea what to expect and hoped that it was nothing I couldnt handle. When we arrived, however, I had no idea how big an event this gala actually was.

"Its for some charity," Lucifer added with a shrug when I asked. "Its really more of an excuse for LA's elite to host an extravagant party, receiving an invitation is actually quite hard to come by." He had looked over at me with a smirk, as if this would impress me. I already knew of his reputation and how formidable he could be, so I had snarked back with a grin. "So whos soul did you bargain with to get us in?" this earned me one of his bellowing laughs and I chuckled, shaking my head.

Now, as we entered, I clung to Lucifer as we headed in. The house was huge, towering over me more so than Lucifer did. White columns were on both sides of the front door, across from the impressive cul de sac of a driveway. Unfortunately, we wouldnt be stepping into the house. A red carpet on the side of the property led us to an enormous entryway; a garland of various types of white flowers. We walked underneath it and into the back of the house and I was floored at the sight. Ivory lined tables lay on a faux floor. A massive canopy style tent was set up in the back of the party where a band played beneath it, a dance floor stationed underneath. Guests milled around the yard, LA's finest dressed to the nines. Tall flower arrangements sat on the neatly arranged tables. A few feet away from us a pretty Asian woman sat, smiling and greeting guests, letting them know where they would be seated.

We approached the table and I watched in amusement as the hostess' eyes widened at the sight of Lucifer. "H-hi, welcome to the third annual LA childrens charity," her voice was slightly high pitched, something that you know would get old fast, "can I get your names please?"

"Lucifer Morningstar, there should be two seats under my name." The woman looked down at her list and highlighted the seats  "okay youre at table twenty four, enjoy your evening." She still hadnt even acknowledged my presence and I was hit with an unfamiliar wave of jealousy. This was the first time I had ever had to feel jealous about someone ogling my date. Lucifer led us down to the seating area and I couldnt help but stare open mouthed at everything. The house was located on a cliff overlooking LA and you could see the city lights shining below. "This is amazing," I breathed. I looked up at Lucifer and found him watching me with some amusement. "What?" I asked. Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head. "Nothing, love. Lets find our seats and get a drink."

We found our seats, being the first ones at the table. I put my clutch down, picking up the menu card that sat in front of my space. The food consisted of seared pork belly, asparagus soup, linguine alla carbonara, sirloin steak, and blood orange oil cake and I wondered how different my palette would be after tonight. "Champagne?" I glanced up to see a waiter had approached us. "Yes, of course," Lucifer pulled two flutes from the tray, nodding his thanks as he handed me one. "A toast," he said. I raised my glass, waiting for him to go on. "To us," my heart fluttered and I smiled shyly, clinking our glasses together. We took a sip and I hummed in appreciation. I glanced around to see the area was filling up, trendy couples walking around with drinks in their hands.

"So what should I expect this evening?" I asked, finding him watching me. "Well, dinner, dancing, possibly some charitable auctions, drunken spectacles, fights, the usual," I laughed and Lucifer grinned. "The usual, huh? Well, tonight should be a night to remember then,"

"Oh, darling, it will be," Lucifer leaned in, putting his hand on the small of my back and kissing the spot below my ear. I shivered and gave him a careful look. "Mr. Morningstar we're in a public place," I scolded. Lucifer grinned, that mischievous glint in his eyes. "I know, makes it all the more fun, dont you think?" I bit my lip, fighting a smile and looked around the venue again. Deciding to change the subject, I asked "do you know anyone here?" Lucifer seemed amused at my blatant switch but otherwise ignored it. "Some, mostly those in attendance are high up execs and CEO's, some are directors and producers, small time actors." I nodded along as he spoke, wondering if by chance there would be anyone here I would recognize, though I doubted it.

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