Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In

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And so I did. I explained how Lucifer and I had gotten into a fight saturday night and how I needed some time to think, so I decided to leave. Of course I never mentioned anything about him being the devil, she didnt need to know that, but I made it clear that the fight had bothered me enough to get me to storm out so late at night. I told her about the attack, how the person had beaten me and threatened my life, also leaving out the fact that this person was a serial killer with a vendetta against anyone close to Lucifer. I didnt need her to panic anymore than she already was. Twice I had to convince her I was fine and twice did I have to apologize for not telling her the instant I had woken up in the hospital. Lucifer had rolled his eyes the second time but I gave him a look to keep quiet. Jade hugged me hard and I tried not to wince when she squeezed my ribs.

"Im so glad youre okay," she cried. "God, Lor, I cant even think about what I would have done if you hadnt." She pulled away, a firm resolve in her eyes that I could only describe as the Jade-way. I knew that look, it usually followed one of her not so brilliant ideas. "Youre officially on house-arrest. I dont want this asshole coming back." I bit my lip, there it was, the idea that I would now have to talk her out of. "Actually, about that. Jade listen-"

"Lorelai is moving in with me." Lucifer's interruption caused Jade to freeze, her irritated gaze meeting his. "Excuse me?"

"Jade just listen," I put a hand on her arm, hoping she wouldnt fly off the wall. "Im gonna stay with Lucifer for a bit, just to make sure nothing else happens." She scowled, her brows furrowing together. "And why do you have to move there? Whats wrong with here?"

"For starters, any wild hooligan can just mosey on in!" Lucifer gestured to the door. "It doesnt take much to get into this dorm, not to mention the lock on your door isnt very sound either."

Jade stood up, trying to look menacing. When Lucifer didnt flinch, she faltered slightly, but continued to hold her own. "So we replace the lock and amp up security. She doesnt need to leave!" I stood up, pushing myself between the two of them. I didnt want a fight to break out and I had to make sure she could see reason. "Jade, its not the same and you know it. Im moving in with him. Lucifer has a lot better security and hes got personal security that works for him as well," Maze could be deemed as security...right? "Besides, hes right. The dorm isnt very safe, not with the heavy traffic flow in here. At least at Lux there are a few more precautions." Jade continued to scowl at me until finally exhaling in defeat. Her shoulders slumped and she pulled me into her arms.

"I just dont want you to go," she murmured. I patted her back, hugging her tightly. "I know, but its only temporary. Besides, youll enjoy having the place to yourself for a while." She gave me a half smile at that and agreed.

We soon found ourselves swept up with packing up. I didnt take everything with me, just a few of my belongings and clothes. Enough to get me buy for two weeks. Hopefully by then this would be settled, if not we had bigger worries other than my not having enough clothes. Jade hugged me tightly as we left and I reassured her that Id still see her in class.

When we got back to Lucifer's place he helped me move my meager belongings into his room. I had to admit that I did enjoy having my stuff here, it made things between us a little more solid. Not that we werent already attached at the hip, but this was different. This was for my protection but it was still a big step. We ordered in that night, eating Chinese food out of white takeout boxes, snuggling up on the couch and watching old movies. Lucifer seemed to admire my old soul, also commenting on the fact that I enjoyed jazz. "Its timeless though," I argued. "Its upbeat, but relaxing. Theres this emotion behind it; this intensity that makes it," I looked up, gesturing with my free hand as well as my hand that held a pair of chopsticks. "I dont know, calls to me. Its hypnotic and intoxicating-kind of like you in a way." I teased. He grinned and had kissed me. "Remind me to play you something sometime," he murmured, gesturing to his piano in the middle of the room. I had grinned and we had lapsed back into comfortable silence.

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