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Pidge had been up all night working on what she knew was one of the most important projects she had ever made. The day before she had asked Allura to use one of the spare rooms in the castle. Now, with the finishing touches in place, it was time to get some rest.
After getting on her pajamas, the green
paladin practically collapsed on to her bed, falling instantly asleep.
Pidge woke up feeling exited, but also nervous. What she had been making was a rain generator for Lance, fellow paladin and also her big crush. The small girl quickly got dressed into her casual clothes and ran down to the kitchen, where only Allura was seated. The Altean princess smiled at her.
"Good morning, Pidge. How did you sleep?"
Pidge poured herself a bowl of food-goo and sat down across from her.
"I slept fine.. but I'm just nervous.."
Pidge had already informed Allura about her crush, and the princess was very exited to help Pidge with some "Girl problems"
Allura leaned across the table and smiled warmly.
"I know he'll love it!"
The small girl smiled, only a bit reassured.
Pidge found the rest of her team (besides Keith who was on a blade mission) playing monsters and mana.  Hunk greeted her as she walked in.
"Hey Pidge! Wanna play?" He asked
"Sure." The small paladin nodded and sat down next to him, and soon they got into a wild game, which was basically finishing up Shiro's quest.
"Lance!" Pidge walked up to the tall Cuban boy as they exited the lounge.
"Sup, Pigeon."
Pidge groaned with her head down, hiding her face which had turned an unhealthy shade of red. She regained herself and looked back up at him.
"I-I've made something for you."
Pidge swore she saw his cheeks glow slightly pink.
"Oh, cool!" Lance said cheerfully. "What is it."
Confident, Pidge grabbed the blue paladin's hand and tugged him down the hallway. "Come on, I'll show you!"
"What are we we doing outside this old storage room?" Lance questioned. Her stomach was painfully full of butterflies, and the tips of her ears were burning. "You'll see!"
Pidge opened the door and led the tall boy inside. The room had white walls with thin blue grids all over them. The ceiling has hundreds of small holes in it, for some reason.
"What is this place?" Lance asked. Pidge smiled at him and took a remote out of her pocket. "It's a simulation room!" She announced proudly.
"Cool?" Lance said, still confused.
Pidge presses a small button on  the remote 'this better work!' She thought to herself. Suddenly, the room was filled with a heavy shower of rain. Lance stood frozen in the spot for a moment before his eyes welled up with tears. He threw off his jacket (Pidge caught it) and stood with his head tilted up at the sky, tears streaming down his face.
Pidge gasped "Lance! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!"
Lance turned to her, surprised. "Offend me? No way!" He pulled Pidge into a tight hug, causing her to blush. "This is incredible Pidge! I can't believe you built this all for me!" He set the small girl down, noticing her flushed face.
'It's now or never' , she thought. Looking up at the tall boy, she took a deep breath.
"Lance, I don't know how you'll react to me telling you this." She paused to wipe her glasses off.
"Ihaveahugecrushonyouanddontknowhowtotellyou-" she quickly gasped for air "but.... um... ireallylikeyouandifeellikenowistheperfecttimetotellyou!" The small paladin gasped out, and turned around, hiding her face and blushing madly. She hoped lance didn't get the message and just brushed it off, but he got it all right.
Lance smiled, his face the color of a cherry "Pidge... I understand."
She turned around to face him. "wha-"
"And we'll, I've liked you for a while now also, and I never really knew when to tell you.."
Pidge stood tip-toed and gave him a big hug. Lance smiled and picked up the shirt girl, holding her in his arms. Suddenly, they were touching nose to nose, both of their faces flushed red. Lance took this moment to admire all her pretty features. Her large, amber eyes and the line of freckles dotting her nose like stars. Their eyes slowly closed, and their faces came close before they kissed. It was brief, but in that small moment time seemed to stop, and all that mattered in the universe was them.
Pidge blushed. "T-that was extraordinarily."
Lance grinned. "Would you like to do that again?"
Pidge answered by kissing him again, longer and more passionate this time. As they pulled apart, Pidge giggled shyly. "That was my first kiss. I'm glad to share it with you."
Lance chuckled. "Well, I guess that counts, unless you count Plaxum.. remember that mermaid?"
Pidge softly cuffed him on the shoulder. "Nah, you were wearing you helmet."
After a few moments in silence, lance spoke. "So, are we like, dating?"
Pidge blushed. "If you want.."
Lance kissed her on the cheek. "Yes!"
The two walked out, holding hands and smiling. The rest of the team was in for a surprise.

(DISCONTINUED) Lance x Pidge oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now