We both jump slightly and look up to the door. I swing my head around to look behind me. Damien stands in the doorway the bright light from the connected room shines around him. His arms ar crossed, his chin resting in between his index finger and thumb. In thought. I turn around to face him. "What is going on Damien? What is this big secret no one is telling me!?"

He takes a few steps closer to us. "Now is not the time Aryah." I roll my eyes and sigh. "And when is the time Damien." Please both of you." Cain cuts in.  "Aryah, Damien is right. You need to heal before we throw more at you." He crosses his arms. "You've already struggled in the past few days just with the situation so far." I cross my arms, furrowing my brows. I was annoyed, frustrated but I say nothing. "Go to my room Aryah, I will be there in a minute."  I scoff. "Do you think-"

"NOW Aryah." Damien raises his voice cutting me off. I jump, not expecting that. I pause for a moment, my body tense. Insanely frustrated with him. We death stare each other. "Aryah, please." Cain reaches over and places a hand on my shoulder. I breath in and let out a loud short sigh. Letting him know I was pissed. Then I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

Cain sighs. "Damien..."

"She's not ready Cain. Give her some time. I will tell her myself." He says calmly.

Cain nods. "I understand. I'm sorry I started this. Please go and speak with her. We can finish this conversation later."

Damien nods at him and exits the room.


I pace back and forth in Damien's room. I was mad. I stop when I noticed the door being opened. I cross my arms and furrow my brows. I am not going to back down this time. He walks in calmly, quietly closing the door behind him and turning around.

"Listen..." He begins.

"NO YOU LISTEN!" I scream at him. "I have had enough of this bull shit."

"STOP, yelling." He places his hand on his forehead and drags it down his face in exhaustion. "Please listen, Aryah. I need you to fully heal before we talk about this. I promise you, by the time I come back, I will tell you."

"You are SO frustrating. I've waited long enough. If you know something then!-"

Damien's ocean blue eyes start to cloud. A stormy ocean. I lose my track of words when I make direct contact with him. He seemed so calm and collected. Almost in a daze, he slowly walks up to me. He slides his arms from my wrists to my biceps. Lost in his stare, hypnotizing me. All thoughts disappear from my mind. He's examining my face. You could see the want in his eyes. Did he want to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss him right now? He was so close. He glides his left hand to the center of my back, pulling me into his chest as his right hand slides up to the back of my neck. I melt into him. Mostly because I felt like I was high. I couldn't think straight.

"Da..mi..en.." I barely get out his name. He slides his hand to my cheek, holding my face gently. I felt so weak, my knees start to buckle. He glides me down onto the bed. Still so close, face to face. He stares at me until I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I slowly lose consciousness. His face, the last thing I see. I hear a faint whisper.

"I promise. I'll tell you when I get back."


The sun gleams through the window. The warmth hitting my face, waking me up.

"Wow, I never slept so well." I say groggily. What happened last night? I look down to see that I've slept in my clothes. I quickly jump up and look around the room, remembering my last moments before I fell asleep. Where's Damien? I quickly run to the bathroom to shower and get changed, before running downstairs.


I walk down the staircase to see Morgan and Madilyn chatting away.

"Good morning!" I yell as I continue down the stairs. They both turn to look at me with there big white smiles. "Morning babe! How did you sleep?" Morgan winks. "The best I've ever had actually. Such a deep sleep." I pause. "Where's Damien?" "He left this morning." Madilyn continues. He left with Jace on a mission. He told you, no?" Disappointed, my shoulders fall forward in a slouch. " Oh, yeah he did. He didn't say goodbye..." Morgan places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry babe. They were in a hurry." A long pause. "Well... what should we do today?" A sympathetic look on both of their faces. Morgan give my shoulder a squeeze. "Well, we actually have training." Madilyn continues. "But if you don't mind, I'm sure Amanda could use some help around here." I shrug. "Amanda, huh. Sure." They both nod at me with a smile. "Okay babe we'll catch you later." They both blow a kiss to me and walk out the front door. I sigh.

"Did I just hear that correctly? You will be helping me?" I look up to see an elderly lady, short cropped, white hair, wrinkles and gorgeous green eyes." This must be Amanda I think to myself. I didn't think she would be this old. I smile. "Yeah, is that okay? It would be nice to occupy my time." She smiles brightly at me. "Of course dear! I would love some willing help." I think for a moment. Flashing back to her helping to change and clean me up. "Amanda, I um, I just wanted to thank you." I say shyly. "For what dear?" She looks confused. "Cleaning me up when I arrived." I shrug. "Oh love. You do not need to thank me. We were all very worried about you. It was the least I could do." She smiles. "If you don't mind, would you start in your own room? I need the sheets to do some laundry." I smile sweetly and begin walking back upstairs.


I glance around the room. I hated to admit it, but it felt empty in here without him. I reach over and start pulling the sheets off the bed, when I notice something on the end table. I walk around the bed to the side table and pick up a small piece of paper. What's this? A letter? I open it up.


I apologize I wasn't able to say goodbye this morning before I left. I didn't want to wake you. Jace and I will be back in a few weeks. In that time, if I find out you have been reckless. You're toast, burnt toast. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I won't be there to save the day this time. What I'm trying to say is, don't be your usual self. Haha.

Be safe,



Holding the piece of paper he walks to the side table. Placing the note down. Looking back at me as I sleep peacefully. He makes his way to the edge of the bed, closest to my head and leans over. Examining my sleeping face. Almost awkwardly long, if I were awake. He then licks his thumb, dragging it down the side of my neck to my collar bone. I shift in my sleep, scrunching my nose. He leans back.

"That should change your scent long enough for me to get back." He whispers. He pulls the blanket up so that I am fully covered.

"Does he think I can't control my behavior." I giggle. "Geez." I put the note in the drawer and continue taking off the sheets, taking them down to Amanda.

I spent the next week or so helping Amanda. She wasn't so bad. We cleaned most of the rooms, if that's even possible. This house is so huge. We also cooked dinner for the rest of the group daily. There was quite a few people I hadn't met yet but they were all very welcoming.


"I dunno man." Jace shrugs. "There's something about her that isn't right." Damien rolls his eyes. "Will you shut the hell up. We've been walking back to the house for days and all you talk about is Aryah. Give it a rest."

The two men make there way through a dirt path in the mountains. Making there way home after their long trip. "I'm just trying to get it through your head. She's bad news. She's going to stir up some shit for us. Cause us problems. She already has." Jace banters on as Damien zones out. "And what if!-"

"Wait." Damien throws up a hand and turns around. Looking back at where they came from." "What is it?" Jace looks around confused.

"Somethings not right..."

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