Chapter 7 - Gaydar

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"Well, go on, answer the call. Your loud ringtone is going to wake your kids up."

Alexander hopped to his feet, pressing the 'answer' button, and holding the phone up to his ear. He took a step outside, leaning up against his porch railing. It was silent on the other end, and Alex was praying to God he didn't just get accidentally butt-dialed.

"Hello?" He said into his phone, hoping for a response. "Hello?"

"Yes, hello?" The southern dialect coming from the speaker, set Alex's heart at ease. "Who's this?"

"You called me... Do you know who you're talking to?" Alex chewed on the inside of his cheek.

"Is this Alexander? From Jefferson's support group?" He asked.

"Yeah? John Laurens, right?"

"Right. I just wanted to clarify. I saw an unknown number while scrolling through my contacts earlier, and wanted to see who it was. Sorry if I woke you up."

"No, no! You didn't wake me up," Alex chuckled, running his hand through his matted hair. "But, uh, hey, I was actually planning on calling you. I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out, or something, if you want to, or, yeah... It's usually just me and Maria, and I need some new friends to talk to for a change. I love her but..."

"Yeah, that sounds cool," John interrupted Alexander's ranting, with a laugh. "How about tomorrow, after I give my daughter a ride to work? Your kids have Summer School, so you'll be free, right?"

"Uh, yup! That sounds great! I can send you my address over text."

"Alright, catch ya later, 'Xander."

As soon as John hung up, Alex held a hand over his heart. 'Xander... He liked the sound of that. Now, he just need to find a good nickname for John... But, what kind of nicknames are there for a name like, 'John'? .

Johnny-Boy? No that's weird. It sounded like a name your mother or grandmother would call you. J? No. That's also weird. Alex would probably be thinking about this all night, and have to resort to the best research material: Google.

"Hey, 'Lex," Maria popped her head out of the doorway. "I should get going home. You sure you're fine with Susan here?" She was referring to the sleepover Susan and Angelica were having upstairs.

"Yeah, she's fine with me, 'Ria. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, 'Lex."


Alexander stepped onto his porch, after having just dropped his kids off at Summer School, and JC at Daycare. He had almost slept in late and forgotten, since it was a Monday, and hadn't had to actually wake up early that weekend. Thankfully, coffee was his best friend that is always there for him in times of need. Especially during his workdays. Which, thankfully, he was on vacation for a while.

He was about to open his door, and brew a quick cup of coffee, when he heard a car pull into his driveway. Shit. He had forgotten John was coming over, today. And there Alex was, looking like he had just crawled out of a trashcan, with his hair a mess, bags under his eyes, wearing an old, stained hoodie that Eliza had initially gifted him for some birthday, years prior.

"Oh, hey, I'm just in time!" John laughed, stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets, and making his way up the steps. "Haven't seen you in six days, how have you been?"

"I've been good," Alex shrugged, opening the front door. "I was just about to make some coffee, would you like some?"

"Sure, why not?"

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