Jungkook stops when he reached the top of the stairs and noticed, as he was looking down into the living room, that his uncle, Yunseok, had an envelope in his hand.

Yunseok snaps his fingers and points downwards at the floor in front of him. "Get down here. Now." He says sternly.

Jungkook swallows his saliva; feeling like his heart could jump out of his chest at any moment as his nervousness skyrocketed. "Y-yes, sir.." He says with a shaky voice.

The timid teen walked down the stairs, into the living room and over to the older man; standing right in front of him with his arms plastered to the sides of his body.

"Do you know what this is?" Yunseok says as he held up a red envelope in his hand.

"...m-my report card, sir." Jungkook replied.

"A report with all As, correct?"

Jungkook stood there in complete silence, watching as his uncle started tearing open the envelope.

Noticing that Jungkook's demeanor had been even more timid and quiet than usual, Yunseok raised his eyebrow; suspecting that the teen knew something and was holding it back. "A report will all As, correct??" He repeated, testing the teen.

"U-um...I-I hope so.." Jungkook mutters whilst looking down at his hands that were fiddling with the bottom of his school blazer.

Yunseok stopped mid-tear and
looked up from the envelope to Jungkook who was standing there with a distressed look on his face. "What do you mean 'I hope so'?" He asks.

"I mean...yes...yes, all As.."

"You're acting awfully strange, Jungkook. I hope you're not lying to me...because you know how I feel about liars."

"I'm not lying...I-I don't know what grades I have for certain, sir..." The teen said. Though, in reality, Jungkook knew exactly what his grades were, but, he was far too scared to say it out loud.

"You know what's going to happen if I don't see all As on this piece of paper, correct?" The elder says as he slipped the piece of paper out of the envelope.

Jungkook tightened his grasp around his blazer; his head slumped down. "T-then I will be punished, sir..."

"Mhm. So, let's hope you've maintained your perfect grades like I expect from you." He looked back down at the paper and unfolded it.

Jungkook sheepishly peeked up from the floor and watched Yunseok's expression as he read the report; the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop as the man's eyes were traveling down the page.

social studies: A+
mathematics: A+
technology: A+
home economics: A+
science: B

(Yunseok stops when he reaches the fifth subject.)

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat when he noticed a change in Yunseok's otherwise flat expression.

The older squinted his eyes and brings the paper up closer to his face; giving the paper a good look-over to make sure what he was seeing was indeed correct. "What...what is this..?!" Yunseok says angrily and flips the report around towards Jungkook; shoving it into the teens face.

Jungkook didn't even need to look at the paper to know what he was talking about, so, he pinches his eyes shut and slumped his head back down. "I-I'm sorry, sir...I tried my best during the last test, I really did..!"

Yunseok crumples up and tosses the report over to the table. "I didn't raise a 'B' student! I expect you do the best you possibly can! And this, " he points towards the report, "isn't. You have a lot of explaining to do, Jeon Jungkook."

-SINISTER | vkook (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now