I can't live without you

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Jagan is the one who speak boldly in their house and he will be ready to punch anyone at anytime if needed. If it's wrong he will oppose it, if it's right no one could be able to stop him.

Situ's mother went near Shekar and shaked his shoulder saying
"Tell something... Why r u standing like this, Situ is crying".

"Amma, see Situ is crying leave this now" Kumar tried to control his anger and asked his mother to stop her nonsense rant.

"Sitara nothing is going to change because of your cries.. u will marry Vidyan that's final" her grandmother told while Kumutha and Vidyan were looking at Situ smirking..

Situ saw both of them smirking at her.. She composed herself and made her mind to get out of that house at that moment itself..

"Ma I don't want to be here even for a minute, come let's go to our house.. " Situ told her mother's hand..

Situ went near her dad who was now looking at his mother in disbelief.

Situ called him, "Paaa.....Paaaaaaaaa"
She tugged his shirt to gain his attention..

Shekar turned and looked at his daughter whose eyes are red due to her tears and anger.. Tears started to welled up in his eyes..

"Pa let's go to our home now.. come" Situ told him holding his elbow..

"Shekar don't go"




Everyone tried to stop them. But there were not ready to even spare a second..

Shekar didn't look at anyone else, he just went with his wife and daughter.. He took the Car and three of them left for their home.

Sitara's pov

"Sitara nothing is going to change because of your cries.. u will marry Vidyan that's final" when my grandma told it, my blood boiled... Devil and her son was smirking at my crying face..

"If my tears give you that happiness then I won't show it.. Something is missing.. To figure it out we should move from here... Be strong Situ.. I am Arjun's... I am Sitara Arjun"

I told to myself and went near my ma

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I told to myself and went near my ma.. she didn't show any emotion.. her face was blank..

"Ma I don't want to be here even for a minute, come let's go to our house.. "

I held her hand and moved to my pa's face was like he got hit by the ghost.. I went near him and called him.

But he didn't even budge.. I again called and tugged his shirt to gain his attention.

He looked at me after few mins his eyes started to form tears..

"I don't want my pa to cry before this evil people... I will handle this situation..."
My mind chanted.

Two HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora