Chapter 24: Pack Views

Start from the beginning

Soon we entered the clearing and several pack members looked up. They smiled and nodded at me before catching sight of Kylie and giving confused and even disapproving looks.

I just smiled at them leading Kylie right through everyone as she looked around in amusement. By the time we made it to the pack house whispers had broken out all around us.

"Hey Luna!" a teasing voice called out. Turning I saw Alec striding up to us. He looked between Kylie and me in amusement but she looked at him warily. "Is this the friend you were talking about?" he wondered and I nodded. Alec scratched the back of his neck. "You sure can pick 'Em Red." He teased.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Can I help you Alec?" I wondered hands on my hips as I released Kylie. My tone was playful and he smiled.

"Yes in many ways, however that's not why I'm here. Ryder forgot to assign you a guard for the day." Damn. I knew it was too good to be true.

I groaned and Alec laughed, taking pleasure in my misery. "He does know I'm a big girl right?" I asked only half joking.

Alec rolled his eyes at me dramatically. "That's not how it works Red. You are now the single most vital person to the packs survival. You will never be alone again." At the last sentence his voice turned from serious to dramatic and evil.

I just stared at him. "You are joking, wether you realize it or not." I informed and he gave me a puzzled look, uncovering the hidden meaning. Horrified he gaped at me.

"Red!" he sounded exasperated but I didn't care walking back towards the house. "You are infuriating, did you know?" he wondered running up in front of me.

I smiled at him sweetly and he relented with a sigh. "Whatever. I have to go back for the second meeting which means you still need a guard." He looked around me, before I could say anything, at the group in the clearing. "Marcus!" he shouted.

A tall guy probably about twenty but with the muscles of a fighter jogged over beside us. "Luna." he nodded at me then at Alec. "Beta, you called?" he turned to Alec curiously.

Kylie rolled her eyes beside me but didn't say anything. "Yeah, I need a favor." Alec admitted and Marcus only nodded. "I have to get back to a meeting, do you think you could be the Luna's stand in guard for today?" you could hear the seriousness and bit of hope in his eyes.

Marcus nodded swiftly. "Yes sir." If I didn't know any better I'd almost say Marcus sounded a bit excited.

Alec grinned. "Great, thanks man." Alec turned to me and Kylie pointing between us. "You girls behave." he instructed with a light warning before running off.

I shook my head at him before leading the two inside.

Kylie and I sat down on the couch, looking for movies for ten minutes.

"Um Luna?" I looked back over at Marcus who looked nervous. Nodding for him to continue he twisted his hands. "My um parents called and well . . ." Kylie snickered beside me and I whacked her arm without looking away from Marcus. "I have to watch my little sister." he admitted and I realized.

He needs to watch me and her at the same time. "Okay. Just bring her over here then." I told him nonchalantly turning back to the TV.

"Really?!" he sounded awefully excited.

Frowning I looked back at him. "This is the pack house. Of course she's welcome here." He nodded sheepishly and his eyes fogged over.

Kylie was shooting me a look when I turned back around. "I hate kids. Especially girls." she muttered.

I bumped her shoulder playfully. "That's okay because you looove me." I teased.

Kylie shoved me back but she was smirking.

We'd just decided to watch Police Academy when the front door opened. In walked a small girl of three or four in a hot pink ruffle skirt and white blouse with pink ribbon pig tails.

Her brown eyes were wide when she saw me. "Luna!" she yelled excitedly, running right past Marcus and over to jump on my lap.

She hit my right ribs and a small pain shot up my side and I cringed. "Hey." I smiled down at her.

The girl grinned at me. "My name's Ally. I'm Marcus' sister and I'm four years old." she announced holding up four fingers.

Kylie and I shared a look and bit back a laugh as we smiled back at her. "Well I'm Red and this is Kylie." Marcus who had just jumped out of his chair came over to us.

"Sorry Luna." he grabbed Ally by the waist but she threw her arms around my neck.

"No! I wanna stay with Luna!" she screamed at him.

He pulled harder and I felt my neck strain a bit. "Marcus really it's okay." I assured, also holding onto Ally.

"No Luna it's my job to watch her." he argued.

Kylie stood up and grabbed the kid by the back of her shirt and pulled her right up over my head in one go.

Kylie looked pissed. "Hey kid! what are you thinking you'll kill a girl like that!" she yelled at Ally before turning to Marcus. "And all you did was make it worse!" I was about to interject when a voice echoed behind us.

"What" pause "is going on here?" a deep voice demanded and we all turned slowly to see Ryder watching us with arms crossed.

Ally lashed out and kicked Kylie, making her drop her. "Why you little!!" Kylie hissed moving after Ally who scurried behind Marcus, until I grabbed onto her wrist.

Alec was looking around with a scowl and Jake just sat on his phone. Ryder, however, was quietly stalking towards us.

Eyeing Marcus on his way by, Ryder came over in front of me. Taking my hand he pulled me to my feet, my chest against his due to our proximity.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly and I nodded. "Marcus you are dismissed." he announced without looking at him.

Seeing Marcus' face fall I felt bad but now he could keep an eye on his sister. The two left swiftly and silently. When the front door closed Ryder's arms circled around me, lifting me up so we were the same height.

Our eye contact had yet to break so I quickly looked away, slightly embarrassed by our audience. He chuckled at me. I was set back on my feet but not let go.

"I thought you were out for the day." I muttered.

"And I thought I'd join you for lunch." He responded.

Nodding I turned to Kylie. "Would you like to join us?" she looked hesitant.

Ryder turned to look at her and frowned. "Is this the friend you were talking about? There are alot of girls in the pack Red." He commented. Kylie looked uncomfortable but he is her alpha.

That doesn't mean I'd let him treat her like that. "Ryder." he looked down at me an I place my hands on either side of his face. "Kylie's a good friend," I kissed his fore head "my friend," I kissed his nose "and that's not going to change." I kissed his lips lightly.

Ryder's grip on my waist dramatically increased as I spoke. Now his eyes were shinning and I knew he was close to loosing control. "Whatever makes you happy." he whispered huskily before smashing his lips on mine.

I quickly pulled away from him before we entered a make out session in front of everyone. Ryder growled softly. "Later." I promised quietly before turning to everyone. "What's everyone hungry for?"

They all chuckled at us but we didn't care.

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