Departing to Italy

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Disclaimer: I only own what I come up with, the rest belongs to Stephenie Meyer.

Please vote and comment! Don't be afraid to fan either! Show me that you love me! lol anyway....enjoy the chapter. Please tell me how you feel about so I don't feel like I'm writing a terrible story that people won't bother to read.


It was in the middle of the night and it's been a week. It was the day we were going to sneak out and leave for Volterra.

I put Skittles in her little cage, and I was stuffing all of my mothers stuff in one of my duffle bags. I really didn't have much things important enough to bring, and neither did it will be a pretty light load.

Lucy snuck up the stairs to my room and sat down on my bed seriously and beckoned me foreword like I was the younger sibling.

I obeyed warily and walked to my bed and sat down.

" What happened on Tuesday." Lucy said seriously.

I unconsciously lifted my hand toward my back and lightly caressed my tender skin.

" Nothing." I said trying to sound truthful.

Lucy observed my face and said " Something happened, My visions are never wrong. I told you that something bad was going to happen in two something did. Now tell me what that was."

" Lucy, it was nothing....uh, a guy stole my wallet and it had 200 bucks in it. Thats all." I lied.

" Your lieing." She said automatically.

Well then.

I just stared at her.

" Whatever happened had real danger to it, it wasn't a stupid robbery." Lucy said looking as serious as a heart attack.

" Lucy, we shouldn't be worrying about the past...let's worry about getting the heck out of here." I said feeling stressed as I kept my ears on alert for any noises coming from downstairs.

" You do know what this means. Once we go to Italy...we aren't leaving. This boy, Luna...he's perfect...he really is. He's cute and sweet and he'll be really good to you...our futures will change drastically with him in our lives." Lucy said.

" I still can't believe we are moving for a stupid guy...I don't even know do you know..." I started.

" He's not stupid and he isn't just a guy!!" Lucy scolded " He is going to be extremely important. When I saw the vision...I saw him with you forever...once he's in your life...he won't leave. He's your soul mate."

I almost scoffed but saw the seriousness in her eyes. She must have sensed my feelings and said " I know it sounds strange, but trust me on this."

I nodded just wanting to end the conversation. I mean seriously what would a 7 year old know about soul mates? Maybe what we are doing is a little to reckless.

I looked around my room and frowned. So many memories I was leaving behind in Forks. Memories of Baro and I when we accidentally kissed when I fell on top of him, Kylie and I when we snuck in for a secret sleepover, Mom when she would read me bedtime stories, moms murder,The night dad brought Lucy home, The time Lucy and I played hide and seek in the forest, The night I was raped....

I looked away and felt happy that I was at least going to be having a fresh start.

" She's proud of you....of both of us." Lucy said softly.

I looked at her confusedly and she said " Jenna. She is happy that you are going to be safe now."

Lucy looked unhappy by the words, obviously she didn't know what they meant.

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