Ordinary day in the house of Wright...Yay...

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Disclaimer: This is a fan fiction. I don't own what I don't come up with. The things I don't own belong to Stephenie Meyer.

I hope you enjoy this :)


Chapter 1.

6 years after prologue.

I sat beside the spot where my mom was buried almost 11 years ago and twirled a single rose in my hand.

" Hey mom... How are you? I'm sure you're doing alot better than me." I said as a few tears escaped my eyes as I remembered how she died.

" I miss you. I wish you were here....lately Lucy has been seeing things....things that normal people don't see. And I...I keep hearing people in my head and feeling things that I don't feel!!" I said raising my voice as I became hysterical. " It's like other people's emotions and thoughts! I thought I was going crazy!! But momma, it seems like they are more powers! The other day I told my friend Baro that I'd take him out to eat at a restaurant because he took care of Skittles for a few days...and when I asked him where he wanted to eat. He said it didn't matter but I heard his mind say O'Charley's. I can't explain it mom...but I know if you were here you would know what to do. It's starting to really take a toll on me! I mean I can't sit at school without going through a major migraine.... everyone's thoughts are always swimming in my head, so are their emotions. It's so obnoxious and loud all the time! So between their thoughts and feelings...I hardly feel like myself anymore...."

I looked up at the sky and saw that for once it was a pretty day. No rain in sight. It was a day that my mom would love...a day when she would sneak into our garden and work on it for a few hours while dad was at work.

I sighed and said " I also have a way of identifying a person...does that make any sense? I can look at a person and get a general idea of who they are as a person and what their life has been like. I don't know if that's just because I'm observant or not...but...I just don't know momma."

I leaned against the tree behind me and closed my eyes to relax myself. It was nice to skip school today... the constant chatter in my head from other peoples thoughts were giving me such a headache. But here in the forest it's safe and quiet.

I felt a little nose nudge my arm and looked up to see a doe with her fawn. The doe ate at a nearby fern and the fawn walked up to me and sniffed me curiously.

I smiled and held my hand out for the fawn to sniff. It sniffed it and nudged my hand. I reached up and started to pet the little fawn. It was an adorable light brown with the little white spots. It was so innocent looking.

This was what I enjoyed. The company of animals.

The mother doe watched with not much interest. She wasn't scared for her fawn. No animal was ever scared of me...or harmed me. There's been more than one occasion where my neighbors would call and say that they see a black bear in our back yard. What they don't know is that the animal just came to pay a visit. It wasn't trying to cause harm.

The fawn began to walk away toward the fern that it's mother chewed on and I looked down at my rose. Mom's favorite flower. I sniffed delicately at the sweet rose and savored it's fragrance. Mom planted roses in our garden...I picked one so I could bring it to her in her memory.

I laid the flower delicately on the spot she was buried and stared at the spot wistfully. Almost wishing that my mom would climb out of the ground and say " Surprise! I never died! This was all a sick prank! I love you!"

It didn't happen.

I stood up from my spot and stared at the spot a little longer, a bit reluctant to go. If I leave the comfort of the woods, I'll be on my way to that hades hole of a house. Oh joy...

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