Work, work, work... and did I mention work?

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Disclaimer: I only own what I come up with, everything else belongs to Stephenie Meyer.

Hello! I would like to say...if you are reading this story, YAY! That makes me ridiculously happy! But I want more readers....I know I'm greedy...but I want MORE lol. So please tell your friends about this story or vote and comment to make me happy? I really would appreciate that.

Anyway...please enjoy!


I sat in the middle of Biology freaking myself out. All last week and this week I have been mowing people's lawns, painting walls and houses, fixing plumbing, babysitting and delivering things to other people for work. I had to put posters with my phone number on it to try to get enough work and income to satisfy me.

 It sucks, especially for Lucy, I won't let her stay at home because dad is there so I've been making her spend the nights with her friends.  I have made a little over 1,200 dollars. That's alot...but if I want to move to Italy when Lucy wants too...I'm going to have to work harder or up the price of my labor.

Lucy is freaking me out too with her visions. She said that we are taking to long. If we want to avoid bad happenings, I have to move asap. Lucy has actually been crying about it. I want so much to comfort her...but what can I say? We need money to move... at least 1,500 needs to go into the flight to Italy...the rest needs to be for us to make a payment on a home..and for bills and groceries. I don't even think 15,000 will help us.

I've even had half a mind to go find Shane and to ask him to let me work for him. I would probably earn more money in one night than I have the past 2 weeks here. I really have no desire to do prositution though...but if I have to, I will. My sister. I need to do this for my sister. I need to protect her.

I felt myself tear up a little bit and wiped at my eyes hurriedly.

Even if it is for my little sister...I really don't know if I can go through that again. I was raped by those men... those filthy criminals. I don't want to have to go though that again... I'm so selfish. Think of Lucy! She is much more important than yourself! Get it together!

I'll need to work much harder... Maybe I can try to go out and buy dad take out restaurant food and set it on the table when I get home...then I wouldn't have to cook and I'd have 2 hours free to work! I heard that the surgeon at Forks Medical needs someone to paint his basement. I'd gladly do it...

I looked down at my calloused hands...working hands. Should a 17 year old be so worn down? Should a 17 year old work this, it should be the parents job to bring in the income. A 17 year old shouldn't be afraid of their father, of their home. A 17 year old shouldn't be secretly trying to earn money to get away from their home. But I'm not a normal 17 year I?

I put my hands in my hair and tried to take deep breaths.

Call Shane? Or not?

I looked up toward the front of the room and saw Edward Cullen staring at me with concern.

Oh crap...I forgot he was in this actually I forgot he could read minds like me.

Edward decided not to talk to me in my thoughts and turned around in his seat after sending me a comforting smile.

When the bell rang, I jumped and saw Edward run out of the classroom.

Jeesh, what's his hurry....I hope he's not telling someone about what I was thinking...

I gathered my stuff slowly to make my way to my gym class. It's the last class of the day...thank Harry Potter.

I walked briskly into the locker room, and changed into my navy booty shorts and gray t-shirt. Every girl wears the same thing in gym. I walked out to the gym floor and saw Kylie talking peppily to the new girl named Bella ( Well I guess she isn't that new...she arrived like 5 months ago.) ...she looked kind of scared...sometimes Kylie had that effect on poeple..she just talked and talked and talked, nonstop.

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