•• Part - 18 ••

Start from the beginning

Anamika had tears in her eyes when she completed reading the diary. She threw the diary and jumped in my arms.

"Promise me, you will never do this to me ? Like NEVER.. EVERR..."

"Easy way to kill a man is to make him cheat you.. But sweetheart, our love isn't that foggy that my heart will slip for something or someone else then you.. It's only yours now."


I then asked Anamika to go to her aunt and console her while I assured her that I'll be there in the adjacent room. She agreed.

Aunty was standing in the balcony on the first floor, her eyes were wet because of the memories which that man has revived just by his appearance. Anamika was trying to console her aunt.

"Aunty... You have always waited for uncle to return. You have always wished him to be beside you, every time you saw any couple. Then why are you feeling this hurt when he is back now ?" Anamika questioned her aunty.

"When he wasn't with me, I realized what life truly is ! I've suffered alone to feed you, to nurture you, to make our survival possible. But how can I forgive the one who left me for someone else, who never even cared to contact me again ! How can I allow that person to re-enter my life again who once shattered my trust and myself to pieces ?"

"But aunty, he did tried to contact us, didn't he ?" Anamika wiped away their tears and continued " when he contacted me the very first time, I was shocked, I cursed and abused him beyond any limits.. And he heard me silently.

I agree and I am thankful to you that yes, you have given me this life, you are the reason for what I am today.. But remember !?... you never submitted any of my fees ! Neither they asked for.. Because uncle has done it... "

Her aunt turned her face towards Anii with a shocked expression..
"But you told me that they gave you a scholarship due to which your education got free" Her aunt spoke

"It was a lie because I knew that you wouldn't allow him to do any such favours " anii replied

"Even you have cheated me Anamika ! How can you do this to me !? I never expected this from you ! I always treated you like my own daughter ! How can you betray me !?" And aunty broke down in heavy tears, bringing a distance between them by moving away a few steps from her.

"Auntyy.." Anii tried to speak when she suddenly showed her hand to Anii which indicated her to stay quiet then.

"SANDHYA !!" Uncle called out.

She turned to face him for a moment. He was standing near Anamika. Anii's head was on his chest and he was consoling crying Anamika like a true father. Aunty turned away her face in opposite direction.

"Beta (child) you go downstairs..." He told to Anii

"But uncl..." He kept his hand on her lips..
"Just go.. I'll handle " he spoke authoritatively..

I watched Anii walking away from them, soon she came near me and stood beside me to listen to their convo.

"Sandhya.." He called out her name again, but she didn't replied in any way.

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