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"Okay, thank you Charlie. Does anyone have anything else to share?" Everyone looked around the room at eachother, before the lady leading the group broke the awkward silence. "Well in that case, today's session is over. Thank you for coming everyone, make sure you're all working on your personal goals that we've been speaking about, I'll see you all next week!"

Rose sighed quietly before grabbing her bag and swinging it over her shoulder, standing up from her chair. Everyone was chatting and saying their goodbyes, but today, she just wanted to get out of there. She pulled her phone out of her pocket to check her messages;

I'm outside babe

Rose read the message and smiled to herself, before heading towards the door and making her way outside. As she walked down the concrete steps of the large building behind her, she scanned the street, before seeing the familiar blue Ford fusion parked a couple feet away.

"Hey Joe." She smiled as she opened the door and sunk into the passanger seat.

"How was it today?" Joe asked her as he started the engine and began to drive home.

"It was okay I guess, I wasn't really in the mood for it today." Rose sighed as she rested her elbow against the car door.

"Atleast you still went." Joe said warmly, and she felt him place a hand on her thigh in comfort. Him and Rose had been together for two years now, they had met by chance at a train station while she was on her way to an AA meeting and he was on his way to work. They had fallen for eachother instantly.

After a few minutes, Joe parked the car and the two of them headed to the lifts and up to Rose's apartment; she had moved out of her Mom's house a few years ago after saving up enough money, and Joe had only just officially moved in.

"What do you want for dinner tonight babe?" Rose heard Joe call out to her as she entered her bedroom to get changed.

"Uh- anything's fine!" She called back. She had been feeling off recently, something in the back of her mind had been bothering her and she wasn't sure what, but she just wanted to be alone. Rose usually left AA meetings feeling refreshed and motivated, but for some reason, today she was irritated.

She hadn't had a drop of alcohol for coming up to five years now, the last time she had drunk she had been eighteen years old and suffered with alcohol poisoning that had affected her for a while afterwards. Life was very different now than how it was before, Rose had been a complete mess and had nothing going for her, but she slowly turned her life around and was now in a genuine place of happiness.

Although, one thing remained the same throughout all these changes within the last five years...

She just couldn't seem to forget about Finn.

Finally, what you've all been waiting for for so long! I am so sorry if its shit and anti climactic but I had to start it some how. Let me know what your thoughts and ideas are, love you guys with all my heart, thank you for the ongoing support 💕💕💕

Twenty Three - Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now