chapter 15

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We enter the vacant great hall just as Tom begins attacking the castles shields. Severus is in the process of helping him bring them down, conversing with Hogwarts down in the dungeon. Thankfully we weren't seen as we came here, knowing this is where professors would go. I look to Luna who nods and breaks away to go find the professors and help get the younger years to safety. It will take at least ten minutes to get nearly all of them to the hidden escape route, and at that point in time Tom will begin his attack in earnest.

A little over ten minutes have passed when we hear commotion coming closer to us, and we leave the room, knowing Tom will begin. We are faced with McGonagall and a large group of sixth and seventh years headed towards the entrance.

"What are you doing down here? Come, with me! We must stop Voldemort from succeeding! Where did that Phoenix come from?" The professor speaks harshly and quickly.

"Sorry, professor,"

"That just isn't going to happen."

"You see,"

"You've already lost."

"They aren't on your side."

We all look over to where the words are coming from and see the Weasley twins coming out of a hidden entrance, both smirking.

"What is the meaning of this!?"

"Bloody hell, you're death eaters!?" McGonagall and Ron speak at the same time, shocked. I nod my head at them and their smirk turns into a frown before taking out their wands.

"Sorry about this,"

"No hard feelings, right?" Fred and George speak as one, before simultaneously casing spells to knock out several students at once. I give a small sound, giving Draco, Pansy and Blaise the okay to join before I swoop into the outside, where several students are already battling against the death eaters. Thirty minutes until reinforcements arrive.

I don't remember when I turned back into being human instead of a bird, but reinforcements come ten minutes early and the battle becomes more hectic and bloody, people screaming everywhere. I stick relatively close to Tom, casting spells left and right, keeping count of how many bodies I cause to fall to the muddied ground. The younger years are safely elsewhere, having been notified by Luna some time ago. That leaves fifth years and up staying to fight. It was made clear to everyone that kids are not to be killed, and so far it has been listened to.

On our side, at least. I think I seen Vincent's mangled body somewhere. I quickly cast a protego, protecting Draco from a spell he didn't notice. He nods his thanks before dashing off. It feels like the battle lasts for days before it finally settled down, the light side getting weaker and tired. Then all of a sudden there's silence, then murmuring, before cheers ring out among the other side. Confused, I look around, only to spot Dumbledore headed towards me, wand raised. His smile is cruel and triumphant and I distantly wonder if I'm about to die. The Avada Kedavra that leaves his wand is rushing towards me and I squeeze my eyes shut, hear Tom scream my name before hissing at Nagini.

Dumbledore is screaming now, and I can only assume he was bitten by the dangerous snake. Then a solid body is ramming into my own, and we fall to the ground with a huff. I'm distantly aware of the spell missing me, hitting Ron right in his chest. I look down and see Luna clutching onto me, panic in her eyes and I hug her close, hoping to calm her down and prove I'm alive. Searching the croud, it's easy to spot Tom who's running over to us, collapsing to the ground and running his hands through my hair, before finding my pulse on my neck.

Taking his hand in one of mine, I catch his eyes, "I'm fine Tom, I'm alive. Now finish this battle." I'm stern, but my voice is soft. He nods and stands up, facing the last person that is between us and victory. I pull Luna up as the battle resumes, Dumbledore laying in a mangled heap a few feet away. Tom and McGonagall battle for the next hour, neither willing to give up, when Tom is able to over power her and casts Avada kedavra twice. She avoids one just to be struck with the second one right after. It takes a few moments for people to realize their second leader is dead, but when they do they begin dropping their wands in defeat. It's our victory.

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