chapter 11

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Harry POV

It is early the next morning when I return to the Slytherin common room. I'm half expecting to be bombarded with questions from my friends when I enter the common room but am surprised to find it virtually empty. Shrugging, I head up to the room I share with Draco and quietly open the door in an attempt to not wake him up. Shutting the door behind me, I turn at the sound of a groan.

"Harry?" Seems I woke him up anyways. I turn around and see the blonde on his side, keeping himself up with his arm.

"Good morning Draco, sorry for waking you up."

"It's fine, what time is it?" He sits up all the way while I head towards my bed and grab some clothes.

"About six I think," I chuckle when he groans and flops backwards onto his bed, "go back to sleep, I'm going to go shower then we can talk."

"Mmk." Is all Draco manages to get out before falling back asleep. Smiling I head towards the bathroom.

By the time I come back to our room, Draco is awake and reading a piece of parchment. He looks up when I walk in and moves it to the table next to him. Sighing I put my stuff away and sit next to him.

"What happened, Harry?" Draco's voice is quiet, practically a whisper as though afraid to say the words.

"Dolores Umbridge had me use a blood quill to write lines during detention. She did this last time as well and I just... I didn't know what else to do other than push everyone away. I didn't want her to get to you guys. And now McGonagall is digging into my life so I'm even more weary of what is going to be happening in the near future. I'm sorry, Draco, this won't happen again."

Draco heaves a sigh, running a hand through his already sleep mused hair, "I was worried Harry. We all were. Pansy and Blaise are so confused I didn't know how to try and tell them anything without giving away that you aren't from this time. They need to know, too." I nod along with his words, knowing he is right.

"And I will tell them the first chance I can. Tom and Severus already know. I told Tom after waking up and had him tell Severus for me."

"How did that go?"

"About as well as expected." I flinch slightly at remembering Severus glaring at me when he walked into the bedroom, shocking me when he enveloped me in a crushing hug. He's never hugs anyone so that was the last thing I had been expecting, "come on we need to be going to breakfast. I'm sure Blaise and Pansy are already waiting for us." I stand up, Draco following and we gather our stuff for class before heading downstairs.

"Harry!" Pansy nearly shouts when she sees me, walking quickly to meet me as I walk into the common room, bringing me into a quick hug.

"Hey Pansy, I'm sorry about scaring you. You too, Blaise." I look over at the other male who had followed Pansy over to us.

"Like hell, Harry. You have a lot of explaining to do later." I hold in a flinch at Blaise's unwavering stare, nodding instead.

"I know. I will explain once we can get away and be alone. No one else can know about this."

"Aside from Draco, who has known for a while now." I pause, not expecting Blaise to have realized Draco knows. 'Then again, that doesn't surprise me. He is extremely observant.'

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how you would take it."

"Come on boys, unless you want to miss breakfast. We can talk about this more at a later time." Pansy huffs out, turning to leave. We silently follow her.

Once we enter the great hall, we are greeted by a few moments of silence before every table bursts into harsh wispering. Rolling my eyes, I lead us to the Slytherin table to take out seats. I can already feel Severus staring at me from the Head table so I like my plate up with eggs and bacon, and get orange juice in my glass. Thankfully I manage to eat almost all of it before my stomach begins to complain about the amount I am giving it.

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