Chapter Three

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It's officially Christmas break, and I have decided to stay at Hogwarts for the duration of it. Simply for the fact that it will give me easier maneuverability to the chambers, since hardly anyone else will be here. 'This gives me two weeks to figure out what to do with the basilisk. I can go down tomorrow morning after breakfast.' With this decided, I turn back towards my defense book. I don't need to read it, but it won't hurt to do so. I'll need to go the library for new reading material soon. 'I could also ask Aeron to come back from his luxury stay with Voldie.' I shake my head slightly, 'I didn't expect Aeron to grow so attached to him, that he would want to stay there while I am at school.' I turned another page, no longer really reading the words as I get further lost in my thoughts. It's pretty quiet and relaxing in the Slytherin common room when there is no one else there. I had been the only one to stay behind, Draco pouting that he couldn't also stay. He had to be at the manor to help prepare for their Christmas party. He had, of course, wanted me to go. Parties don't mix well with me, though. I haven't had enough that held good experiences for me. So, I ended up saying I couldn't go.

Speaking of Draco, I don't think he noticed but a little someone seems to have their eye on the blonde. I smiled, remembering what happened almost two weeks ago.

Flashback Begin

I was walking towards the dueling club that Lockhart had decided to have us do- Draco, Pansy and Blaise walking along with me- when we were stopped by the Weasley twins.

"Hiya Harry!" Two voices chirped in sync, causing the four of us to turn around and see who was behind us. The two redheaded twins were linked by the arm, grinning at us.

"Hey guys. What's up?" I gave them a small smile, feeling Draco shift slightly beside me. I didn't pay the motion much attention, instead wondering why Fred and George looked like they were planning another great prank.

"We were just thinking-"

"That we should open up-"

"Our own joke shop!"

"We could sell-"

"All kinds of different things." They finished together, still grinning, and I couldn't help but want to grin back. I held it in though and simply nodded.

"I think that's a good idea. I will be more than happy to help test any products you make." 'And give you some money to help you guys out a little bit. But you don't need to know it's from me. I'm rather glad they are still going to open their shop, it became quite the booming business.' When I came back to the twins still in front of us, I couldn't help but notice Fred had his attention on something else. 'Make that someone else.' I thought with a hidden smirk, following his line of sight that brought me straight to Draco who is still beside me. Draco was admiring his nails, and seemed completely uninterested in the conversation and hadn't noticed the attention being given to him. I gave a miniscule shake of my head in fondness, wondering when Draco will notice. 'I will have to remind myself to give Fred a push in the right direction. Maybe have him send Draco a letter or a gift would work.'

"Thanks, Harry!" George's grin widened, and they turned and headed back in the direction they came from. I watched as, what appeared to be, George tease his twin while they walked away.

Flashback End

Having just reminded myself to have Fred give something to Draco, I stand up and head to a nearby table after summoning a quill and parchment.

Hey Fred,

I noticed a little while ago your interest in a certain someone? I think I can help you a little bit. You should get him a Christmas present. You still have enough to find something. I just want to tell you a few of his likes and dislikes and let you take it from there.

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