Tom nodded. He had of course known it was true. This, however, seemed like a better approach than marching in and asking for a job opening he should have no knowledge of. "Sir, I'm sure Professor Slughorn has informed you of my ambition to become a teacher."

"Yes, he mentioned it after your advisory meeting at the beginning of last term," Professor Dippet smiled.

Tom nodded again. "Sir, if you'll allow me to speak freely, I want to apply for the Defense against the Dark Arts post." Silence filled the room.

"Tom..." Professor Dippet began, giving Tom a sympathetic smile. "We have never allowed someone as young as yourself to teach here at Hogwarts. You must know that."

"There's a first time for everything sir," Tom began, smiling frankly. Professor Dippet seemed to consider him for a moment before speaking again.

"Yes Tom, there is. However, I'm afraid this is not one of those times. Please understand, I would love to have you on my staff, but you're too young my boy." Professor Dippet studied Tom.

Tom clenched his jaw. "Yes ... Sir," Tom replied, relaxing his jaw, trying to keep the anger bubbling inside him at bay.

"Now if you're still interested in a few years, once you've gained some experience, you will come back and apply won't you?" Professor Dippet inquired hopefully.

"Of course sir," Tom replied, forcing a smile onto his face.

"I am sorry I couldn't be any more help," Professor Dippet said, giving Tom another sympathetic smile. "Now if you're interested in a position at The Ministry, for experience purposes of course, I would be more than willing to give you a recommendation."

"Thank you sir, but I don't think that will be necessary," Tom replied. "Really sir, it's quite alright," he added at Professor Dippet's inquiring look.

"Well, if you were to change your mind, do tell me."

"Of course sir," Tom said flatly, standing to his feet. "I suppose I'll be getting on then. Thank you for your time sir."

"Oh, um - of course my boy. Any time," Professor Dippet replied, surprised by the sudden conclusion of their meeting. Tom nodded, turning for the door.


Tom strode down the dirt path leading to the black lake. He had left his meeting with Professor Dippet in a rage. How could Dippet deny him the position of Defense against the Dark Arts? He wasn't only the best in the subject but was the best in his year by far. He had been certain the job would be his. He was 'too young.' That had been his excuse – ha.

Tom clenched his jaw. No. That wasn't really it, was it? There had been plenty of teachers who had taught at Hogwarts who were only a few years older than him. Surely there had been. No ... this was Dumbledore's doing. It had to be. Dumbledore had disliked him ever since their first meeting at the orphanage seven years ago. Surely Dippet had mentioned Tom's interest in becoming a teacher to Dumbledore and Dumbledore had advised him against it. Dumbledore, after all, was regrettably one of Dippet's most trusted advisers. Why else would the Headmaster refuse Tom?

Tom looked out across the lake. The sun was beginning to set on the horizon, casting shades of orange and red over the water. Next to the shore, underneath a large beech tree, sat a girl with a curtain of long, dark hair cast over her face as she looked down at the book in her lap. Ellison.

Tom's jaw unclenched at the sight of her. He had agreed to meet Ellison in this spot after their exam. And there she was, waiting on him.

A pang of guilt swept through Tom. Securing this job at Hogwarts had been just as much for her as it had been for his broader plan to gain power. Teaching at Hogwarts would have given them more time. A few more months – maybe only a year; but it would have been precious time. Precious time they no longer had. And what was worse was she had no idea. The green eyed girl sitting underneath that beech tree was living in a bliss Tom no longer had the luxury of affording. The months they originally had were now mere weeks.

Tom swallowed hard. Maybe that was why he had been so certain he would be awarded the post of Defense against the Dark Arts. Because the alternative had been unthinkable at the time. He had pushed the thought away every time it had crept into his brain. Of course, he had known he would have to follow through with his original plan eventually. Eventually ... Not immediately. He no longer could afford the luxury of ignoring those thoughts though. The time to make a decision was approaching faster than he had bargained for ... and it would soon be staring him right in the face.

He watched Ellison as she turned the page of her book, tucking a stray curl behind her ear, revealing the piercing green in her eyes. He felt a twinge in the pit of his stomach again. This had been his fault. He had allowed this to happen. He had allowed his emotions to take over, telling himself all the while he would have the willpower to suppress them when the time came. He wasn't so sure of that ability anymore. One thing was certain though. He wouldn't be able to delay his plans any longer. He would be leaving in a few weeks for Albania, and he wouldn't be returning ... at least not to the life he had led before.


Hello all! I am so excited about this chapter for two reasons. (1): I feel like I've finally beaten this writers block I've had the past few months & that this chapter is actually worth reading (lol). and (2): This chapter marks a big change in direction. The rest of the chapters from this point forward will be leading up to the big finale. No more filler chapters or fluff. Every chapter from here on out will be filled with juiciness and important details pertaining to the end of this story. So read on peeps and don't miss a single word!

Please share a COMMENT. I want to know what YOU think about the story! Each comment I get from you guys only makes me want to update that much more!!!

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