Chapter 22.

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Lisa's POV

Y/n should've been here by now she thought. She hadn't seen you for a last couple of days because you'd always delay or make an excuse but this time she forced you to meet her. She knew how sad and hurt you were lately because of your relationship and she wanted to make you feel a little better.
Lisa left a few messages on your phone but she got no reply, after waiting for almost more than an hour she called you a couple of times too but your phone was off as well.

Lisa went home and she kept calling you but your phone was constantly off . It was 6 in the evening, she went to your apartment and it was locked, she felt a sudden panic in her chest.

Worried she reached at Jimin's office. He was in a meeting which ended in about half an hour, Lisa quickly rushed towards Jimin's room.

"where is y/n?" she  asked Jimin.

"excuse me? " Jimin looked at her in confusion.

"you dont know? Y/n is missing since morning" Lisa said nervously.

"what?? I dropped her at her college in the morning " Jimin got up shocked.

"did you say something to her? " lisa raised her eyebrow angrily.

"no!  Why would you ask that?! " Jimin looked at lisa and then grabbed his phone to call you.

"she's not picking up " said Jimin worriedly. By now Lisa realised that too and she calmed herself instead of arguing any further with him.

"she was supposed to meet me in the cafe but she didn't show up. I went to her apartment but it's locked too I'm freaking out! " Lisa's eyes got teary.

"don't worry, I'll find her I promise " Jimin  angrily went out of his office.

Jimin's POV

Jimim was in his car, thoughts in his head were going crazy. He visited every possible place to find you.  For almost an hour or so Jimin looked every where possible to find you. When he reached to closed street near your campus, suddenly fear crept down his spine when he  saw your phone lying on the floor. His started beating so fast, Suddenly for some reason he thought of Lee. Jimin called her angrily.

"hello? " said Lee.

"where is y/n?what did you do to her?! " jimin shouted at her through the phone.

"calm down, lover boy she's okay!" Lee laughed slightly on the phone.

Jimin hung up. The thoughts of what Lee could've done to you occupied his mind. She was a crazy woman. Jimin was burning in anger when the car stopped in front of Lee's mansion.

"you arrived sooner than I thought " Lee took a sip of her wine already sitting on the couch.

"Lee where is she?please tell me what did you do to her?!!" the anger was clear on Jimin's face.

"someone's taking good care of her don't worry ,just a little fun and she'll be good to go." Lee whispered coming closer to Jimin's ear and a jealous smile graced her lips.

"she has nothing to do with this! I'm over her and I already told you that!i swear If anything happens to her I'll make everyone's life a living hell!" Jimin lost his control by now.

Lee angrily smashed her glass on the floor catching Jimin's attention again.

"what is in that bitch that I don't have?!" she yelled at Jimin, "you were mine!  You are supposed to be mine! " her voice broke.

Jimin realised that she was going crazy and that she'll take it all out on y/n. He had to do something. Something he wasn't so sure of..

"I'm over her." said Jimin. Those words were the hardest to say for him.

Complicated.  ((Park Jimin × Reader)) || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now