The Start Of The Chance ♥

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It was 7AM when your drama teacher went to your room and started to woke you all up. You're housemates on the workshop were all awake. You caught their full attention 'cause you're still sleeping. You're always the last one to wake up. They all came up to you and start to shake your arms, and you kept on struggling. One of them shouted on directly on your ear that woke you up.

You: *stood up and widens eyes* Oh yes, I'M ABSOLUTELY AWAKE!

They all laughed at your face due to your looks, you haven't wash yourself 'cause you just woke up. So, you went straight to the bath room and pour some cold water over your face, brush your teeth, and comb your hair. Then, you went to the dining room. You saw everyone prepared for eating. Your friend, [ANY NAME], was seating next to a vacant seat, she was waving her hand while looking at you, shouting,

[ANY NAME]: Hey, [YN], I saved you a seat! Come on and join us! 

You: Oh, right. I'm almost there. *walks even faster*

You all started to eat. After that, your director instructed you all to assemble at the living room for some couple announcement before you leave. After eating, you placed your dish in the kitchen. Following others, they went straight to the living room.

Director: Find your seats, everyone. 

You all sit on your respective places. All of your full attention were payed to the director for some news about the past few days of your stay. 

Director: It's a job well done! I congratulate all of you for a great work! This deserve an applause. *claps hands* 

You all went shouting, applauding, giving a warm claps to everyone, and some even murmuring. 

Director: Now, I'm ending our activities. We appreciated all of your stay here. We're hoping you to come back for another time. Of all the people that have been here, this batch is the greatest. *smiles* Just continue on what you're doing. And your studies, be responsible! Again, thank you! 

Everyone started to have water works, hugging each other, some even leaving and giving message to each other. All of you went to your room and started to pack up your things. When you're all on the lobby. Everyone decided to have a group hug! So, some again begins to have a tears of joy in their eyes. 

The director came rushing back to the lobby, holding a white envelope with blue ribbon on it. He seems to be excited with what's inside the letter. So, everyone gasp looking at ther director. He paused in the middle of the lobby, in front of you.

Director: I got a good news from everyone! 

Everybody started chatting, murmuring words.

Director: So, the studio of [STATES A NETWORK] were asking for more cast for their show! *widens eyes* They are asking me to give them 10 students, for the show! Now, this envelope has the names of the students that's chosen! And guess what, you'll be an instant actor or actress, then! We'll be asking for your parents' permission, though.

Jumping, shouting, some are excited, and more emotions went through your faces. As for the envelope, the director started to untie the blue ribbon. Opening it slowly, everyone's heart beat went fast. The director started to indicate the chosen names.

Director: And last, but not least, [YN]! 

You burst into happiness! I mean, this can change your entire life, right? As for the un-chosen, they'll be going home. The taping will be starting next week. The movie director will be meeting you 10 tomorrow. As for your mother, you know that she's allowing you on stuffs like this. 

You called your mother for permission, your workshop director needs to talk to your parent to make sure of it. Luckily, your mother and father didn't hesitte a word and allowed you. You, once again, burst into joy. You get to sleep again on the workshop, until the end of your taping. 

Night comes and it's tie for you to hiberate. It's like 3AM when they woke you up, you'll be going to Manila to meet the movie director. Getting ready, packing up things, and screaming was what everybody did. 

Then, you hopped up to the bus. Having fun on the way was what you all did. Then, many hours past, you arrived. The bus stopped at a big studio. All of you went out the bus. With your amazed faces. There were many actors and actresses passing through you. You can't help, but, to ask pictures and autigraphs from them. 

A beautiful woman, standing by the a door was smiling at you. She must be the movie director :D There was a sudden silence. The woman asked you to go inside the room. When she opened the door, there was another woman, sitting by the couch, smiling and waiting for you like decades. 

???: Welcome to the [ANY NAME OF STUDIO]! We're glad you finally made it.

That was the movie director, also the owner of the network! She tour you all around the studio. When you're all about to leave, she introduce first and gave you scripts. She's strict, yet, very nice. She even gave you all a necklace for sign of greatness from having you there.

You're all about to leave. Instead of sleeping on the workshop, your workshop director decided to bring you back to your homes instead.  When you arrived home, you immediately went online. Seeing Greyson's message..

*Skype Conversation*

Grey: Hey, sweetie..

Grey: You there?

Grey: Love you. ;*

Grey: Take care of yourself. 

Grey: Sorry, I think I can't visit this month ):

Grey: But, I'll be there this christmas. I'll try, though.

Grey: Hey?

Grey: How are you? Please be fine.

You were that shock that your tears came fowing out. Seeing Greyson's message, he's like flooding you. Hope he's fine too, right? You replied on him.

*Skype Conversation*

You: Hey, Greyyy!(: I just got back! Sorry, there's no internet connection on the workshop lobby, also in the room! I went on a workshop, right? And it's so fun! I'm great! How's your music going? I miss you very very much! Love youuu! Take more care of yourself too! *:

You didn't told him about the movie you're gonna be in. You want to surprise him. He's not online, so you left a tweet and went offline to rest.

[@YUN: Hey guys! Long time! The workshop was great! Everyone should try it too!(: Miss you all so much! Gotta rest and hibernate first.] 

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