"Oh my God! This is "Midnight Memories" by One Direction!" Emma exclaimed. She started jumping up and down. Casey started singing after a few strums and everyones' eyes grew big. She was not only a good pianist but a good singer, too!

Emma started singing, then Jessie. And then Austin followed. After that, Ravi, Zuri and Luke started singing as well.

When it was a instrumental, Luke started dancing and everyone was screaming.

Once Casey was done, she gave the guitar to Austin and said, "Alright, I'm going to my room and do my homework. So have fun without me." Everyone groaned and she started laughing. She ran up to her room and Austin started strumming.

- - - - -

"Are you done yet?" Luke asked, coming in to Casey's room.

"No." She said. She was on her bed, on her stomach.

"Are you almost done? Do you need any help?"

"Fine, do you know Algebra?"

"Is that multiplication?"

"No." Luke sat beside Casey and looked at her book.

"Ow." He said.

"What? Are you thinking again?"


Casey rubbed the back of his head and started massaging it.

"You are very talented." Luke said.

"Thank you." She stopped massaging and went back to her homework.

Luke put his head on Casey's back, while his legs were hanging at the end of the bed.

"I'm almost done, Luke." She said.

"It's two in the afternoon, can't you just have a break and do that later?"

She sighed and rolled out of bed. "Fine." She said.

Luke jumped up and went to Casey. "To the park we go."

- - - - -

They were walking at the park. Casey brought up her phone, "Selfie?"

They started posing and smiling and did duck faces.

"Hey, Luke!" Someone called out. Casey put back her phone in her pocket and saw a blonde girl in a peach dress and pink flats.

"Creepy Connie?" Luke said.

"What?" Casey was confused. Luke went in front of her, as if he was protecting her from Creepy Connie.

"Don't worry, Luke, I've changed." She said.

"Really? 'Cause that's what you said last time and you lied!"

"C'mon, I swear this time."

Luke paused as if he was thinking. "Alright." He finally said.

"So, who's that girl behind you?" Connie asked.

"My girlfriend." Luke said. Connie's eyes twitched and she gave a big smile.

"Hi, I'm Connie." She said. Casey went to Connie and shook hands with her. "Casey." She said. Connie squeezed her hand and Casey back away, she shook her hand and held Luke's.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." She replied.

"It was great meeting you again, Connie, but we gotta go." Luke said.

"Alright." Connie replied and walked away.

"Was that an ex?" Casey asked.

"No, just. . . A person obssesed with me." He replied. They walked back to the apartment building.

- - - - -

They exited the elevator to see someone sitting on the couch. He looked back and Casey could see that it was Angelo.

"Oh, hey, Angelo." Casey greeted. Angelo looked at Casey's hand holding Luke's, then looked at Casey.

"Hey, Casey." He greeted.

"Not to be rude or anything," Luke said, "but why are you here?"

"Well, I was bored and I had nothing to do, so I decided to visit Casey since I haven't visited her in a long time." Angelo explained.

"Well, Casey has homework to do." Luke said, Casey could hear that he sounded jealous.

"Um, why not you and Angelo hang out?" Casey asked. Angelo gave a soft laugh. Okay, there is something going on. Casey thought.

"When I'm done, I can hang out with you guys! It's just a few minutes."

It took the boys a while, but they agreed and went to the terrace. Casey went upstairs with questions entering her head.

What's going on?

Did something happen?

Exactly, why is Angelo here?

Casey entered her room and saw Mrs. Kipling chewing one of the papers.

"Mrs. Kipling! What am I going to say? 'My friend's lizard ate my homework'?" Casey complained. She went closer to her bed and saw that it wasn't her answers, instead it was just the paper she used to solve.

"Okay, good girl." Casey said. Mrs. Kipling jumped out of Casey's bed and slithered her way to Ravi's room.

"How did you get in here, anyway?"

- - - - -

Luke and Angelo are sitting on the terrace with awkward silence. Luke was just staring at the sky; Angelo was fiddling with his thumbs.

"How did you and Casey meet?" Angelo asked, breaking the silence.

"She is Zuri's piano teacher." Luke replied. Angelo nodded and continued fiddling his thumbs.

"What about you? How did you and Casey meet?"

"We met in class. She didn't have a seat, so I gave her my seat and I looked for one."

Luke nodded and continued looking at the sky.

"Seriously, why are you here?" Luke asked.

"I don't know. I just wanted to get to know her more," Angelo replied. "It's because she's just so funny, nice, sweet and--"

"Pretty? I fell for the same thing, too."

"I'm not here to get your girl, Luke."

"I trust you."

Then, they went silent again. Luke didn't really trust Angelo. It could be that one day he will kiss her and then she will fall for him, then she will break up with Luke.

"Hey, guys."

Luke and Angelo turned their backs to see Casey leaning in the glass door.

"Hey, Casey." They said in unison.

Casey laughed and sat beside Luke. She rested her head on Luke's shoulder.

"You okay?" Luke asked, "Yeah." Casey replied.

"Hey, it's only four in the afternoon, why don't we all hang out together?" Casey asked.

Angelo and Luke gave an unsure nod. Casey stood up; Luke and Angelo looked at her then at each other.

"Now?" They asked in unison, "Yeah!"

- - - - -

Heya, Gryphons!

Sorry that I didn't update in a long time. It's because I didn't have any ideas and I didn't have internet because we had to go somewhere near the airport. I won't be able to update tomorrow because I have to travel DX it's so tiring! Even on the next day. . . Let's see, whatever happens, happens :)

So, this is what I came up with! Hope you guys like it!


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