Last Part

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Hi Guys...!!!

It's me again...!!!

Long time no see right..
Well your wait is over here is last part...!!!


Story of Love Which Change The Beast

Seen - 1

Swara's Room

She was sitting in a corner and was thinking about all happenings...somewhere she was happy but somewhere she was sad also...its true that revenge give peace to your mind but it's also true that it can blacken your heart also...the girl who was once bubbly and full of life was now a revenge machine...if she has something to live than it is only her daughter who is a small ray of light...but now...she was worried what will happen if that light also vanishes...its true that she is the symbol of her helplessness of that night where she lost her everything...but its also true that she was her blood and she can never hate her own blood specially her own innocent daughter who is exactly her repilca in this young age...she was thinking so hard that she didn't see Sanskaar came in room...

Sanskaar(hesitant) : Swara???

Swara who was really lost in herself become suddenly stunned seeing Sanskaar that too in her room...

Swara(becomes angry to see him) : what are you doing in my room...don't you have any manners...that we shouldn't go in someone's room without their permission...but who am I talking how can a (with venom)Rapist has manners...

Sanskaar feels like crying hearing the word RAPIST...but it was also a clood blooded reality which can never change....

Swara(with at attitude) : tell me what you want...why are you here now...

Sanskaar(slowly) : I came to talk about...

Swara(with attitude) : wait a second if you want to talk about that Ragini and Laksh than don't...I'm not that free to waste my time on those useless people...

Sanskaar(politely) : no I came to talk about Pari...our our daugth...

Before he could complete his sentence a loud shout was heard in whole room shooting its core...

Swara(Roared) : DON'T YOU DARE TO CALL HER YOUR DAUGTHER...she is only my girl do you get that...

Listening to this he started to plead that give him a chance to prove himself...

Sanskaar(pleads) : Swara please give me a chance...please...I..I want to hold my daughter...I want to...

Swara(angrily) : she is not your daughter...she is only MINE...

Sanskaar(with teary eyed) : but....

Swara(thinks something) : OK...I'll forgive you...but on one condition...

Sanskaar(hurriedly) : I'll do get your forgiveness...just tell what you want...

Swara(smirks evilly) : I want...I want you to kill your own family...than I'll will forgive you...

Sanskaar(beyond shocked) : what...I...

Swara(laughs evilly) : what you can't do it...haha I knew that GET LOST...

He helplessly left from there...

Seen - 2


Story Of Love Which Change The Beast***Short Story***(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now